
Why Linux should be left to power users

Started by December 05, 2001 08:57 PM
20 comments, last by Andrew Nguyen 22 years, 9 months ago
the real unfortunate situation here though is that until
the operating system is ''dumbed down'' for the general populous,
linux will really be nothing more than a tool for businesses and a toy for people who know what they''re doing (a group that represents an incredibly small portion of computer users).
This is why microsoft does so well (to our dismay), they sugar coat everything that would confuse someone when they try to AIM a photo over to grandma, yet leave most of the more advanced parts open to people who would tinker.
i realize that linux is getting more and more friendly with each new distro release, yet its just not enough...
at the rate microsoft aquires new minds vs the rate at which new users to linux compile their first kernel, linux will get left behind...
i feel like i do my part to educate people on it, and so should you!
everybody- pick a friend and teach them linux!
its the only way it''ll ever get around :>

moral of this story: dont horde knowledge... newbies suck, but we were all newbies at one point. teach someone what you''ve learned and the world will be a better place.

;another space monkey;
-eldee;another space monkey;[ Forced Evolution Studios ]
Hm.. The first time I installed Linux (I bought a old P1/233 machine from a friend for little money) it took me 2 days...
You know.. 2 days without food and only some hours of sleep
I think I jumped all over the place when everything worked as planned...
I had no one to explain me the installation process...
Nowadays I explain.

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