
Why Linux should be left to power users

Started by December 05, 2001 08:57 PM
20 comments, last by Andrew Nguyen 22 years, 9 months ago
WAIT!!! DONT FLAME!!! This happened to me. I was preaching the teachings of the Our Holy Lord Linus Torvald (Okay, not that drastically, but...) and some idiot downloads Linux that night. (He claims it was called ''Happy Face Tamagotchi Linux'' . He claims it deleted all his files and that Linux was a virus (once again laugh!!!) Then I said, ''Did you intall it on you Windows partition?''. He replied ''Whats that?'' Then he said, going around the school , ''Linux is a virus '' and other loud expletives. Luckily we are in Hi-School and the teachers are around... So, now everyoe says that Linux is a virus. Therefore, please don''t tell people about Linux unless they know what the hell (sorry) fdisk is for. Andrew Nguyen ~Python Rox!~
---START GEEK CODE BLOCK---GCS/M/S dpu s:+ a---- C++ UL(+) P(++) L+(+) E--- W++ N+ o K w(--) !O !M !V PS- PE+Y+ PGP+ t 5 X-- R tv+ b+ DI+ D G e* h! r-- !x ---END GEEK CODE BLOCK---
"That is correct, that is correct!" - Some Preppy Guy in a Sweater from the Budwieser Commerical.

Or maybe you should tell them about fdisk first.
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
Yeah, It is true...
But, it is a good warning and should be assembled in
the ''Bible of Linux''
under the preachings of Andrew Nguyen:

Andrew Nguyen

1:1 ''And the almighty god Linus Torvald sayeth.''
1:2 ''Andrew, tell your story to the Windows heathens.''
1:3 ''But, before telling them, tell them to use fdisk.''
1:4 ''Of course, Andrew Nguyen forgot, and was punished.''
1:5 ''He told the heathen Alan Chin.''
1:6 ''He, Alan claimed Linux was a virus.''
1:7 ''Andrew was ridiculed throughout puberty.''
1:8 ''That was his first sin.''
1:9 ''Therefore, the first commandment of Linux is:
"Though shalt tell of fdisk before telling of Linux!"
1:10 ''Andrew the martyr is now the entombed hero.''
1:11 ''From teaching the mistakes of himself.''

Then we got other stuff, but, remember the 1st commandment of Linux!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, it''s true,
there should be
a Java-Python-C++ language called Japyc
or (Jah-PIC)
---START GEEK CODE BLOCK---GCS/M/S dpu s:+ a---- C++ UL(+) P(++) L+(+) E--- W++ N+ o K w(--) !O !M !V PS- PE+Y+ PGP+ t 5 X-- R tv+ b+ DI+ D G e* h! r-- !x ---END GEEK CODE BLOCK---
Yeah, every time I tell someone about linux and the whole open source community people almost always become interested and start asking me how they can get linux. Almost every time I have to tell them to just forget it from a lack of computer knowledge. I mean, if they''ve been using windows 9x their entire lives linux is going to be a baseball bat to a face. During the install they might take out a harddrive or patition, or screw something up royally leaving them without a working computer. Either way it will keep them, and anyone they tell this incident about, away from linux. Usually what I suggest is when you get a new computer and you''ve got a old 333mhz Pentium 2 or something lying around is to install linux onto that, and often I will even install it and set it up for them. Though, the transition from a windows 9x enviorment to a POSIX OS can be very hard. They have very little in common. Also, if someone has like a 33.6k modem and wants to try out this sweet new linux thing it is almost hopeless. Try to use a OS based around free software, downloadable off the net(usually thats the only place too), and then having a horrible connection is almost impossible. I''m sure that when I switched to linux my bandwidth usage probably doubled, at least.
Bless thee Brother/Sister (what is yiur gender?) Artoink.

I claim thee St. Artoink.

No, yeah I got the same reaction. Heck, I tell the Compaq users to stay away.

What have I done wrong LINUS????

Now for the daily prayer:

int a

int notever

int main()

a = 1
while a;
if noteveryonelistend;
printf("Hey, Listen to the prayer!");
if noteverylistend == 1;
return 0;

return 0;

int notever();
printf("Now I''ll have to read the prayer again!!!");
return 0;

printf("God to thee Linus, forgive our sins");
return 0;

Did I do that right?
Okay whatever, just remember!

Yes, it''s true,
there should be
a Java-Python-C++ language called Japyc
or (Jah-PIC)
---START GEEK CODE BLOCK---GCS/M/S dpu s:+ a---- C++ UL(+) P(++) L+(+) E--- W++ N+ o K w(--) !O !M !V PS- PE+Y+ PGP+ t 5 X-- R tv+ b+ DI+ D G e* h! r-- !x ---END GEEK CODE BLOCK---
quote: Original post by Artoink
Almost every time I have to tell them to just forget it from a lack of computer knowledge. I mean, if they've been using windows 9x their entire lives linux is going to be a baseball bat to a face.

Nice description . I always caution people about moving to Linux if they ask; especially about going 100% Linux at once. Non-Unix oriented people always have the worst ideas. For example: I was explaining setting up hardware (without trying to get too much into the kernel ) and he somehow came up with the idea that Linux didn't support USB and started yelling about how he'll never switch since Windows has supported USB for someodd years. I had to explain that it does, and that most distro's come with a kernel with just about everything supported; he probably thought I was just making up excuses . Oh well, from now on I know not to talk to ignorant people about *nix .

Edit: I thought up more to say. I'm not exactly 'highly experienced' with Linux (getting near 1 year now). But I took a highly cautious approach to using it. That's why I think my experience has been so favorable. All these people that move too quickly are bound to fall down somewhere and blame someone else.

[Resist Windows XP's Invasive Production Activation Technology!]

Edited by - Null and Void on December 5, 2001 10:39:08 PM

Cadinal Null

Okay, Im out of it now.

Warningover, just send your ''Linux Crusading Horrorr Stories''

Yes, it''s true,
there should be
a Java-Python-C++ language called Japyc
or (Jah-PIC)
---START GEEK CODE BLOCK---GCS/M/S dpu s:+ a---- C++ UL(+) P(++) L+(+) E--- W++ N+ o K w(--) !O !M !V PS- PE+Y+ PGP+ t 5 X-- R tv+ b+ DI+ D G e* h! r-- !x ---END GEEK CODE BLOCK---
rofl! happy tamogachi linux!

yes that is all I read.

I''m bored, some idiot "kill -9 -1"''ed our remote linux machine, on accedent...but still. grrrrrrrrr, I don''t feel like booting mine, need....I....C...Q....
Perhaps you should offer to install Linux for these people? Many areas have LUGs (Linux User groups, for the uninitiated) where they conduct monthly (or whatever frequency suits you) "installfests." You could tell people about Linux but explain that all that power makes it much easier to shoot yourself in the ass with a bolt of lightning (paraphrased), so "why not come to out user group meeting and let us walk you through it?"

That has the advantage of letting them see and fiddle with other peoples working (beautifully, I might add) Linux installations before committing themselves.

Oh, and if you don''t have a LUG (say, in your school or neighborhood), you might want to try and start one. See here for more information on the topic.
Try explaining that to the Crusaders against Linux Coalition at my school!!!!

The only other Linux user at my school is gonna move soon too!!!

Yes, it''s true,
there should be
a Java-Python-C++ language called Japyc
or (Jah-PIC)
---START GEEK CODE BLOCK---GCS/M/S dpu s:+ a---- C++ UL(+) P(++) L+(+) E--- W++ N+ o K w(--) !O !M !V PS- PE+Y+ PGP+ t 5 X-- R tv+ b+ DI+ D G e* h! r-- !x ---END GEEK CODE BLOCK---

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