4 hours ago, Oberon_Command said:
Many (or even most!) programmers never deal with anything more complicated than arithmetic and maybe some very basic discrete math or number theory in their actual work.
Of cource main duty of high math is to separate complexe task to sequence of simple arithmetical operations. But if you see a simple arithmetic that it not mean that high math not involved.
4 hours ago, Oberon_Command said:
Many (or even most!) programmers never deal with anything more complicated than arithmetic and maybe some very basic discrete math or number theory in their actual work.
It is common mistake to call web-dev or enterprise sectors most of software development. It just a tiny and worst part of software development industry, that use a developers with no education or bachelours at better case. It is not a engeeners, and by local rules can not be called programmers at all. Here programmer is qualification that require a Engeneer degree that require 5 year university and slighly higher than Master degree. And it level is just a basics for real development industry that not visible like enterprise and web-dev. I mean FA, embedded, engeenering, and scientific software development that really is main part of software industy. On companies that work into its areas 5 year of university usually called a "literal class" in better sense of its words.
4 hours ago, Oberon_Command said:
any game programmers never deal with anything more complicated than a bit of linear algebra.
Game programming is most mathemathecally and phisically loaded kind of programming. Games pretent to simulate a whole world, so involve a mathematical models of phisical proceeses from about any branch of phisic. Also it involves AI so require to use a Game Theory, Theoty of descigions and at least automation control theory and many othes sciences that involve calculus, analitical geometr and linear algebra and many other branches of high math. Any phisical process, real or dummy, have a system of differential equations as it description. So main work of game programmers is to find a finite difference schemes for integration of differential equations comes from wide range of phisics brances. Of cource it have to be optimized by speed, so much harder to do then optimize it by precission by nature of finite difference schemes. Really calculus (that locally for programmers have more hours than all high math for students of other engeneering sections) , linear algebra, analitical geometry, numerical methods, and computaion geometry that students have on first 2 years is just preparation for softwae engeenering sciences that learned on 3 other years. And realy game dev involves anything of it and much more that have not fit into university course. Fortunately by this way university give a enought understending of math to entry any branch of any science that required to be programmed. Really mathemathic is esperanto of science, while applicative mathematic is working horse that allow to plug computers to modelling of any real or dummy process.
So it realy 2 kinds of developers - one part of it think that ganedev or even softvare development not envolve math so by try and errors way making approach for some kind of particular case that see in task, and can find solution only anciently. And other kind that understand what same thay need to do and involve math method for universal solution and shortly have data-driven way to solve complete family of similar tasks. Its kind of programmers usualy so highly contributed on industrial programming so very rare come to game dev especially indie dev on industrially developed countries.