It's been about 15 years since I made music. Back in those days I would make my songs strictly out of MIDI using RealityGM or CHAOS Soundfont libraries.
Over the past 15 years I've slowly collected a variety of instruments, VSTs, Plugins for FLStudio and samples. Now that Im finally making music again (with horrible chord theory now ) I'm noticing my sound quality is better and much louder using these Plugins and VST. Everything except MIDI.
How can I boost the sound of MIDI samples in FLStudio or boost the sound of my whole song in post production without distorting or ruining anything? Any feedback on the songs is welcome too. You can be harsh.
Here are examples of what I'm making today. Notice the sound is at a decent level that matches most streaming services. These are using 85% VST and samples. Most of my volumes are 25 - 50%.
Now here is my trouble song. Its lead instrument is a MIDI instrument. It is RealityGM flute. Its volume is MAXED. All of my other instruments are around 10 - 15% volume. If they get any louder they drown out the lead instrument.
NOTE: These differences in volume mostly show themselves in car speaker systems and headphones. Not so much on laptop speakers or standard PC speakers.