
Are RPG's getting soft?

Started by December 05, 2001 04:07 PM
22 comments, last by UrMomDotCom 23 years, 2 months ago
Phantasy Star for the Sega Master System was the best of it''s time. graphics, story and gameplay.

To the vast majority of mankind, nothing is more agreeable than to escape the need for mental exertion... To most people, nothing is more troublesome than the effort of thinking.
To the vast majority of mankind, nothing is more agreeable than to escape the need for mental exertion... To most people, nothing is more troublesome than the effort of thinking.
I like the old-tyme RPG''s like Wizardry 1. That game would completely kick your ass. I remember making a party for 20 minutes and then the first group of kobolds would wipe me out!

Okay, maybe that was a bit extreme. But it sure was better than EQ.

Try looking at the different amounts of books out there.. new fantasy titles still appear on the shelves.. A computer game is no different... yes the dragons have been done.. yes .. the futuristic scene has been done.. but as long as there are fans for it such as me.. I''ll keep on being a good comsumer =)

The nightmare travels across the cosmos with his burning mane. The trail of ash that is produced.

?Have a nice day!?

I think the golden era of rpg''s was around the early 90''s when ultima7 ruled. It''s kindof a shame that Diablo ever came along and revitalised the rpg industry, since it revitalised the hack n slash brainless side, and left the great epic story type in the sideline. Granted a few incredible games like Torment have come along, unfortunately I only see a grim future for this genre like the FPS''s and RTS''s, it''s just going to be cloned to death...
Ok, so I''m going to show my age here, but I get a laugh when I see lines like....

I think the best RPG''s were old school. Think about it, new fresh, compelling. From Chrono to FF 1-3. Am i wrong??

When I think Old School I think Ultima 2/3/4 and all the SSI AD&D stuff that was out back in the 80''s. Don''t forget all the great text based stuff from the 80''s as well (Zork, HitchHiker''s Guide, etc..)

Any other old timers like me out there? (BTW: I''m 30)

Original post by borngamer
I think the best RPG''s were old school. Think about it, new fresh, compelling. From Chrono to FF 1-3. Am i wrong??
When I think Old School I think Ultima 2/3/4 and all the SSI AD&D stuff that was out back in the 80''s. Don''t forget all the great text based stuff from the 80''s as well (Zork, HitchHiker''s Guide, etc..)
Any other old timers like me out there? (BTW: I''m 30)

i''m hardly an old-timer (25) but i agree with you completely. as the graphics get better, developers are forgetting to tell a decent story. some of those old-school games could catch your imagination just like a good book; now they remind me more of television (barf).

--- krez (
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
Being the forums, its mainly up to you aspiring developers to fill the gap where games lack story. But yes, having to rely on japan to break literary ground in rpgs, and game story in general has become a shame. Though, not that japan does a bad job of it, just we have to maintain some integrity.

:: Inmate2993
:: William C. Bubel
"Please refrain from bothering Booster."
william bubel
Original post by borngamer
Ok, so I''m going to show my age here, but I get a laugh when I see lines like....

I think the best RPG''s were old school. Think about it, new fresh, compelling. From Chrono to FF 1-3. Am i wrong??

When I think Old School I think Ultima 2/3/4 and all the SSI AD&D stuff that was out back in the 80''s. Don''t forget all the great text based stuff from the 80''s as well (Zork, HitchHiker''s Guide, etc..)

Any other old timers like me out there? (BTW: I''m 30)


I have survived thirty one rotations around the sun

My first home game console pre-dated even the Atari 2600...didn''t have any CDs, cartrages, or memory could only play about 3 variations of Pong all stored away in it''s impressive 4k of ROM...

The first hard drive I ever saw could store 128k and was larger then most modern PC tower cases...

The first program I ever wrote was on punch cards writtin for a COBOL compiler... it took something like 20 minutes to compile "hello world" back then...

To me, old school = pre-video game crash of 1983-84...still remember those days...The arcades were full of games like Galaxian, Donkey Kong, it''s sequal Donkey Kong Jr, Zoo Keeper, and one of my favorite games of all time: Robotron (Smash TV was a pale imitation )

Borngamer - I picked up "Infocom''s classic text adventures" a while back...Tis'' awsome to relive some of those games...still can''t figure out Hitchiker though...that game boggles the mind :D

I pumped many bags of quarters into those old arcade machines. I loved Congo Bongo when I was a kid.

I think I may have had the same game system you were talking about. Did it have a rifle that you could shoot at a white block bouncing across the screen?

As far as oldies go, I picked up the Ultima collection a while back. Haven''t had much time to play them though.

speaking of story writers... wouldnt it be nice if more games started out like movies..
not cinema type effects or whatnot, but with the intro and little splashes of names going across or whatever..
then the people who deserve the credit dont have to wait till joe consumer finishes the game.

makes sense to me anyway

;another space monkey;
-eldee;another space monkey;[ Forced Evolution Studios ]

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