12 hours ago, JoeJ said:What i mean is that solving for forces in multibody constrained dynamics is a much harder problem, than testing for visibility in graphics.
This is like me saying that Art is a harder problem because it requires learning Anatomy rather than calculating Velocity. It's completely unbalanced.
Dynamics is a advance physics problem for computers, Like Anatomy is a advanced art problem.
12 hours ago, JoeJ said:All of them try to do proper simulations based on correct equations of motion. This can't be faked in a way we can fake graphics by precalculated GI.
Of course they can and we do it all the time. Especially in racing games; some of them do use physics but most don't. Right now in my space game, I am faking DeltaV flight using Lerping; a trick I stole from a older game that used it to make a stable network game.
12 hours ago, JoeJ said:Collision shapes are always accurate. Using a different representation for graphics does not make physics inaccurate, wrong or faked. Actually it's the graphics that is faked, if you want so.
It's not graphics if you can't see it. Making the collision boxes, pure physics. Unless you decide to make them visible to the player.
By the very nature of graphics, only physics that isn't visible, like the ray tracing of WOWS isn't graphics. Graphics Physics is a subgroup of physics just like Gameplay physics is a subgroup.
Look, I am not saying physics based games are bad or anything.
What I am saying is that we use more physics for graphics than we do for gameplay. Since you mentioned motion I will show you the formula used by animation players:
It's Newton's second law. All animations in games follow this formula. All graphics elements in games uses physics.
If you think of physics as a resource, you will see we use it more for graphics than we do for gameplay. With actual game play mechanics depending on a lot less complicated formulas than rendering.