As a beginner, I've been toying around with my own home brew game engine for the last few months to learn the ropes of game programming. In the book Game Engine Architecture by Jacob Gregory there is code snippet that looks like
void AddAxes(const Transform& xfm, ...);
In Box2D there is a simple Transform structure that seemingly holds a Rotation structure and a Position (vector or point is unbeknownst to me).
On the other spectrum, Unity has their own Transform class that holds just about anything relating to transforming something (scale, rotation, translation, child/parent transform relations and helper methods).
Being notoriously hard to google, if I'd implement my own Transform structure, What should it contain? Is it just a general transformation container abstraction or does it hold some kind of meaning in game programming?
I'm up to implementing a debug camera system so I'm wanting to use this said transform for more general purpose than just adding axes to the canvas.
Many thanks