Taking everything word for word, I guess we can''t say that OpenGL will ever die out. Unix/Linux/etc. use OpenGL and will never (or atleast won''t for a very long time) use DirectX. It is Windows programmers that face the decision of DirectX vs. OpenGL.
Soooo, maybe the correct question is...
Will OpenGL ever become obsolete ON THE WINDOWS PLATFORM?
In a word no, I don''t think it will as developers are seeing the advantages in using open library material. For example Bioware''s new RPG Neverwinter Nights is being released with the windows and linux versions on the same cd(s) using OpenGL.
OpenGL has a vastly larger industry base than DirectX.
If I am not mistaken, only Windows and the XBox have DX implementations.
OpenGL has many more implementations than DirectX.
So, unless MS releases DX implementations for slews of other platform, there is no chance at this point of OpenGL dieing out.
Now, whether OGL will die out on Windows is a open question for me. Certainly DX has a slew of features that OGL does not have. However, DX is constantly revised and reworked, making it not a long-term API. In the last 6 years, we have seen over 9 DXs each somewhat different. OpenGL has exactly 3 implementations released, 1 being implemented, and 1 specification being developed. And it has been out since like 1991.
So OGL is a more stable API which you do not have to constatly relearn.
That is why I use OpenGL. It is a more stable API.
I came, I saw, I got programmers block. ~V''''lion
"Not all who wander are lost"... I know that quote. Where did you get it?
Alex Broadwin A-Tronic Software & Design ----- "if you fail in life, you were destined to fail. If you suceed in life, call me." "The answer is out there." "Please help, I''m using Windows!"
Alex BroadwinA-Tronic Software & Design-----"if you fail in life, you were destined to fail. If you suceed in life, call me.""The answer is out there.""Please help, I'm using Windows!"
Inferno: There is not ARB shader extension to use that contributes to that. without and ARB approved shader extension set using the same features for all cards they must program their own that work with their own cards. Vlion: Microsoft has no reason to program DX for other platforms since that can lead to less buisness for the sale of their OS. OpenGL being more stable than DX isn''t true at all. The reason that they always release new versions to add new features. With openGL you get the new features through extensions. With DX you get all of the features even if they are run very slowly in software. OpenGL doesn''t give you that. Another point is that DX has more than just graphics. It provides networking, audio, input, etc.
This reason that MicroSoft releases a completely new version each release, is because the API is fundamently flawed. OpenGL as been going for years now, and it''s still stable and viable on current harware, doesn''t that say something?
I''m not knocking D3D, but it''s unwieldy compared to OpenGL - at least OpenGL works the way it is supposed ot work. D3D is the opposite. Why re-write the code for each release, unless it is inferior to OpenGL? The answer is - it''s inferior!!!
you say your not knocking but yet you knock. you ask for no flames and yet you flame.
if it used extensions there would never be re-writing. the reason its "Completely new" is because all of the old funcions have the new version number on the end in most releases. with 8 the did stuff like mergeing direct draw with direct 3d and direct ?sound? with direct ?music? or so they say. just because openGL makes the hardware developers do all of the new programming with extensions instead of developing them on their own doesn''t make direct x "Unwieldy" and who said that it doesn''t work the way its supposed to work? if it didn''t how could game developers create games supporting both D3D and OpenGL? I''m not saying Either API is better. Only time can tell. DX9 in beta and OpenGL 2.0 revision on the horizon. I take no sides on which to use. Everyone should. There is no such thing as good development unless it uses all APIs. Just because openGL doesn''t use COM and stuff and looks cleaner you shouldn''t run away from direct X. learn both. not at once of course. learn one and learn what you know in one using the other.
Guys ( & gals ?).... It might be true that D3D has a few advantages atm... but I''m pretty sure that the graphic card developers plan their chip design after OpenGL rather than D3D ... that''s because everything you can implement in OpenGL in a nice style can be hooked into D3D. Why? Because Microsoft builds each release to fit the graphic cards... now why should they care about D3D where they can be pretty sure (if they''re a major chip producer) that it''ll fit D3D.. but not OpenGl.... that''s one of the reasons I''m with OpenGL. And take a look at the OpenGL 2.0.. Seems like a dream to me :o) cya, Phil
Visit Rarebyte! and no!, there are NO kangaroos in Austria (I got this questions a few times over in the states )
Visit Rarebyte! and no!, there are NO kangaroos in Austria (I got this question a few times over in the states ;) )