Thanks for the explanation.
1 hour ago, khawk said:
I'm glad you're giving this a shot.
Well, you moved the challenges to a group, what choice does one have? ?
1 hour ago, khawk said:
Now within each group, the group header has a set of tabs. This needs to be made more obvious somehow, I understand. Here you can see GameDev Challenges has the Home, Activity, Members, News, Topics, Images, and Schedule tabs. For the forums, you'd select the Topics tab, for instance.
The words on the bar don't mean much to me,
"Home" is clear, ie the home page of the group, where you already are, (must be one of the most useless buttons, but fair enough).
"Activity" I have no idea what it means, number of view last week and today perhaps? Nope, apparently a log. "Recent changes" or "Last updates" would work better for me.
"Members" does do what I think it does,
"News", hmm, yeah, not sure this counts as news, not to mention the "Browse" -> "News" from the very top is what I see as News and it's not even close to what "News" here is. "Announcements" could work.
"Topics" is confusing, it doesn't link to anything useful for me. I think a group is a topic. "Forum" would work, "Discussions" would work too.
"Images" and "Schedule" seem ok as title, the former is a mess wrt layout, but it uses too many sites I don't trust, so that's expected.
The entire bar is quite non-obvious with the black-ish image above it, I start reading at the grey background at the Home tab, "Welcome to gamedev challenge" etc.
EDIT: the bottom line then refers to News tab, which is a dead end after two announcements.
This may also be a matter of not expecting more bars than just the main one at the top, where "Forums" and "Groups" don't exist as main topic.
About News of the group, I have read the defender challenge, and the comments, but it doesn't look like it remembers me reading them, the "7 comments" balloon keeps the same colour, and it doesn't say "0 new comments" or anything like that.
In the beginners group, the tab named "for beginners" is confusing to me, as it's the name of the group! some sort of self-reference is my thought there. "beginner resources" would be starter kits with sprites and sounds and books rather than articles to me, but then again, I am hardly a member of the target audience (unless you count my number of games that I wrote ? ).