
RPG Games For Girls!!!

Started by December 04, 2001 12:43 AM
89 comments, last by digitaldirt 23 years, 2 months ago
Original post by Diodor
How would you like this: This game plus webcam plus live audio? I bet some girls would be _very_ successfull at this game, and I also bet the guys playing will _like_ it. This may still work with but audio messages.

Webcams + teenage boys + teenage girls == lots of teenage boys telling teenage girls to get their tits out.

Sad, but true.

Edited by - Sandman on December 7, 2001 5:44:27 AM
Original post by Diodor Instead we should focus on bringing the few girl gamers that will read the manual and will play a complicated hardcore game in the center of attention and expect an increase in sales from the guy players.

Am I the only one missing the point here cause I couldn't make any sense out of the above statement at all. How could focusing on a few "core" female gamers possibly have anything to do with increasing sales from the guy players ? And please tell me that you're not seriously thinking that more guys would play the game due to the possibility that they could talk with a "potential" female online. (Sex sells, I'll admit that. But using these online female gamers as a model bait for the males is just going below a moral level past h-games.) Sorry, I just don't see things that way, and we should try to focus on tapping into all the female population instead of chasing after a constant small percentile of core female gamers.

That's why I expect the few girls that would play such a game to be very successful, even if their in-game skills are not the best.

The more I read the more depress I get on the future of game developement. Stop worrying about the "few " and look at the whole picture please! Do you want to make game for the few or the masses ? I liked Bishop's idea for a political game, but please, lay off the webcam and live audio cause it will only get you so far till every game on the shelf adepts to it.

Edited by - mooglez on December 7, 2001 5:57:06 AM
-------------Blade Mistress Online
Original post by Sandman
Webcams + teenage boys + teenage girls == lots of teenage boys telling teenage girls to get their tits out.

sign me up!

--- krez (
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])

Original post by Sandman

Webcams + teenage boys + teenage girls == lots of teenage boys telling teenage girls to get their tits out.

To a certain extent, this is acceptable, and even adds to the game. Being rude is an equivalent of a war declaration. Assuming that those who act as stupid as this will be newcomers, (as the more experienced players must have learned not to declare war for no good reason), they''ll be soon corrected by such action as the deployment on their bases of the combined legions of the said girl''s allies.


Original post by Mooglez

And please tell me that you''re not seriously thinking that more guys would play the game due to the possibility that they could talk with a "potential" female online.

Not just talk, _play_


Sex sells, I''ll admit that. But using these online female gamers as a model bait for the males is just going below a moral level past h-games.

Sex? Model bait? I just assumed a game, and especially a role-playing one would be more fun with girls than without. Anyway, what about the morals of making scarcely clad girls dance on the side of football playing fields?


The more I read the more depress I get on the future of game developement. Stop worrying about the "few " and look at the whole picture please! Do you want to make game for the few or the masses ?

You sound like a management guy. Targeting the masses imposes lots and lots of limitations, besides competing with the big companies. I''d much rather want a small community of enthusiastic players than a mass of casual players who use my game to waste 5 minutes because there''s nothing on TV.


but please, lay off the webcam and live audio cause it will only get you so far till every game on the shelf adepts to it.

Yeah, I guess you''re right on this one. But I still believe webcams and audio will be powerfull tools for future games, and not too far in the future either.
Hell, I''d play any game that had live teenage breasts.
I don''t think you should let them talk though.
Peh, having teenagers, webcam and live in the same sentence might actually draw the wrong kind of audience. Oh well...
dude, you need romance if you want your game to attract girls

here are some ideas
(1)wild girl as lead female character
Tokyo love story(popular Japanese Manga) and Norway Forest (popular Japanese Novel) has wild girl as the lead character. Lola Montex is admired by many other girls. Many girls like to fantasy themselves as wild, rebellous and powerful.

(2)GREAT LOOKING JERKS as lead male character
Great looking is very important. Girls just love the ideas of taming a great looking jerks who go around fucking girls and dumping girls.

(3)Find a playboy to write the script
Average guys don''t know the mind of the girls, but playboy are experts. They know what to say, when to say and what action to take, when they need to take the action when they want to seduce girls.
Original post by Anonymous Poster
dude, you need romance if you want your game to attract girls

here are some ideas
(1)wild girl as lead female character
Tokyo love story(popular Japanese Manga) and Norway Forest (popular Japanese Novel) has wild girl as the lead character. Lola Montex is admired by many other girls. Many girls like to fantasy themselves as wild, rebellous and powerful.

(2)GREAT LOOKING JERKS as lead male character
Great looking is very important. Girls just love the ideas of taming a great looking jerks who go around fucking girls and dumping girls.

(3)Find a playboy to write the script
Average guys don''t know the mind of the girls, but playboy are experts. They know what to say, when to say and what action to take, when they need to take the action when they want to seduce girls.

1) Maybe
2) Maybe
3) No

Even in the case that a game with elements like that would work we have probably alienated the male audience (after all, what do I care about taming a playboy?), which is something that nobody can afford at this time.

We were getting so close to agreement, and then drifted off again. Sniff!

I understand the reasons for some to NOT want to target an "untapped" audience of casual gamers. However, we are specifically discussing the casual female gamer in this thread. Therefore, if you don''t want to try to pull them into the game, you shouldn''t be posting here.

So, back to the topic.

I''ve been observing my sister''s computing habits lately. Since she got a boyfriend that uses a PC a lot for his studies, she has gotten into it a lot more. She''s not playing games, but definately using more "advanced" programs such as Paint Shop Pro, and using "deep" features of it.

So that got me thinking - is the way to get girls to play, to have their male peers draw them in? Can you think of a computer game that you''d like to play, and you''d like your girlfriend to play too? Maybe that''s the ticket - designing a game that''s still appealing to the huge mass of core gamers, but that also allows them to bring in less experienced computer gamers without too much difficulty.

People might not remember what you said, or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.

Original post by MadKeithV

I understand the reasons for some to NOT want to target an "untapped" audience of casual gamers. However, we are specifically discussing the casual female gamer in this thread. Therefore, if you don''t want to try to pull them into the game, you shouldn''t be posting here.

Aiming at computer illiterate people won''t work very well for a game as complicated as a RPG (points at the thread title). I propose creating a game that''s maybe hard to get into, but a lot more enjoyable afterwards. The way to do that is to add social interaction as _part_ of the gameplay. Girls like to talk, to phone around and to spend time in chatrooms. Creating a game that requires this kind of interaction for success will presumably create a much better experience for the girl players.


So that got me thinking - is the way to get girls to play, to have their male peers draw them in? Can you think of a computer game that you''d like to play, and you''d like your girlfriend to play too? Maybe that''s the ticket - designing a game that''s still appealing to the huge mass of core gamers, but that also allows them to bring in less experienced computer gamers without too much difficulty.

Spread of word seems like the perfect way to bring girls to play a game. Trouble is it is very hard for someone who plays and knows a game and some other one who didn''t play the game to have an interesting conversation about that game even if they are both core gamers, let alone casual girl gamers. I was bored more than once with talk about a game that I eventually liked when I got my hands on it. All the talk is generally game mechanics and 3d technology. As interesting as reading a VCR manual. You have to play the game to like it. (Some notable exceptions: The Sims, Roller Coaster Tycoon - these games have themes everyone knows and cares about, so it becomes easy to talk about them)

But if social interaction was (a significant) part of the game, a player could talk to someone who didn''t play the game before, ignoring the boring technical details and getting directly at the social part.

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