Just wanted to share a frustrating story. I've made a reddit account several years ago and recently started posting in it. It took me around few weeks to realize that something is off. As I logged off and went into the threads I've posted in, I was surprised to see that none of my messages are presents. NONE, no topics, no comments absolutely nothing. Reddit hid all my stuff and told be absolutely nothing about it. You can try it yourself - Google:
cubrman site:reddit.com
And no results would return. I lost several threads and around 15 comments until I finally realized what is going on. In case you are wondering here is how my inbox looks like:
It shows that I've received a notification where the reddit bot says that they've hidden ONE OF MY THREADS because it thinks it is a link to a screenshot. NOWHERE it says that I was banned, or shadowbanned or anybanned.
Yeah "shadowban" that is apparently how it is called in case you did not know, which (as it appears) are supposed to know. At least that was the impression that I got after I created a new account on reddit and posted a thread to understand what is going on:
Apparently the reddit community thinks this is normal and calls it "the necessary evil". The purpose of the ban is to prevent people from spamming unworthy comments or threads by isolating them. They will think they are not banned and will not create another account to circumvent the ban. Well I can only say that I felt myself like a complete fool. I wasted a tone of time responding to people only to see all my work gone. I guess I should thank God other communities, like gamedev, do not use such inhumane measures. I've made mistakes before I never said I am a saint, but in most cases I was contacted by moderator, learned something new, re-read the rules and never made mistakes again. Well, I guess reddit thinks that they have a better solution for this problem, even though it makes people feel like morons. The funniest thing is, nothing prevents spammers from learning this system once the hard way and never falling for it again.
So yea, be warned, there are tools in place at some sites around internet that are designed to make you feel stupid. Don't let them do that.
EDIT: Since I posted my thread here, I can no longer see my thread on reddit, luckly, I made screenshots of it, here they are:
By the way, a quick reddit search shows that some other people are concerned that reddit hides stuff silently and it might not be just the stuff from spammers. This one, as I understood, is connected to politics:
This one is related to links about crime (wtf?):
Fox news report on reddit censorship:
I know not the most trustworthy website but here is another article from zero hedge:
Edit: guys from Unity forums helped me realize I did not actually post the screens, where I was posting with my banned nickname. Here is one of the most hilarious cases (the one where I actually realized that I am silently banned) - I've just wrote a lengthy answer why IMHO Unity is better than UE4 and then one dude just adds an answer after me saying "I would love to know why people pick Unity over Unreal"
Edit: guys from Unity forums gave some very useful insight on this problem:
And here is the link to a reddit thread about shadow banning: