17 hours ago, Kryzon said:
Without you posting any proof I'm gonna have to call your bluff.
With my first try I also used a image from the net, when I noted how near the two was I grew suspicious. The next two tests I ran using a image I drew and a photo of me.
I have no more images scaling left and I am not going to upload my photo, so here is only my hand made try with the "Boring" scale:

This is a jpg icon I used for a game I planned. It was very badly made as it was for planing, I can already feel the judgment.
Let's Enhance .io:

Now my result using Photoshop:
I used (Scale*2(Cubic)-> Remove noise)*4

Even without downloading you will see it's better. That wonky eye is really disturbing.

The black is the difference between my Cubic scaling and there scaling.
I am not uploading the photo, it was taken at work and we are not allowed to take photos of the studio also I am ugly. The results using the "Magic" scaling with my photo was even worse than the "Boring" scale. (Once I can use the page again I will take a photo and show it here as well.)
My scale trick is lower quality than most free scaling software out on the net, you can find tools that scale much better than me. Even so I was able to do better. Let'sEnhance.io < My Cubic scale < Free scaling software.
Why we should watch this software:
The image I used from the google search was near perfect. Now this could mean they where cheating and used google search to find the larger image.
What I am hopping is that because there was more info for that image the results was better, because this would mean that with time the software will get better as the developers improve and the AI collects data.
For now it's good, but anyone with Photoshop could do better and most other free scaling tools are much better.