We can have a discussion of what I meant by "One Vision" if you want. SVC invented the collaborative process that you use to make games today, I was one its earlier participants. The meaning of "game design is a benevelont dictatorship ruled by an iron fist" is a little more liberal than has been interpreted in this thread. It has always been true that a designer can only be "God" if they own the company.
I have always known what my problem is, and it has never changed. Right from the beginning, in your earliest days, you insisted that table top games were not relevant to what you do. You were doing a whole new thing. So you completely ignored the entire history of games and simulation design that came before you other than to make occasionally make an old board game as computer game. There were also a few of the earliest designers, hobbyist gamers who became programmers and made their own games, and today you speak their names with reverence. People like Sid Meier, Will Wright, and Dan Bunton. But being a programmer and being able to do it yourself wound up being the only way to do that because you were certain that our games were not relevant to what you did so you didn't need us as pure designers... even though you were programmers who had probably never played a game more complex than Risk.
This has always been my problem. You not having any respect for the very advanced and sophisticated methods of simulation design that had existed long before you ever came along. If that had not been, and was not still, the case then all I ever should have needed to say was... “I am a former member of the SFB Staff and I want to make space ship games.” If you knew the history of what you think you do, that is all I would need to say.