There's another question I've been meaning to get answwered and this might be the right place for it. I get the impression that at least one or two of you are in the business of developing games, you see. ;o)
Here's my thing: The game I'm working on (I think it sounds pretentious when I say it, sorry) comes from the idea that I'm just gonna make the game I want to play and if somebody else likes it too, that's a bonus. The problem here is that it's supposed to become a point & click adventure, but writing the thing myself pretty much negates all the drives that keep me going when playing.
"Ooh, I wanna see what's next!", "I wonder how we get out of this situation.", "Plot twist!" - You know, anything that makes you wanna play a game. Aside from replay value, which I'm guessing mine is not gonna have.
I'm assuming that most games get made because people wanna play a game they can't find, but what happens after it gets made?
My question (which kinda sounds like an insult, really) would be: Do you like playing your own game?