A psychology question really .. what is it about game development in particular that makes the typical first posts of a beginner something like:
'For my first game, I want to make one like this, that took 50 programmers, artists, and designers 3 years to make, but mine will be better, obviously and like, twice as big. I don't know any programming languages or how to make art. I'm thinking of using Unity, and I expect to finish it in 2 weeks. How should I begin?'.
Not just beginners, more experienced developers and teams regularly fall into the same traps (and myself all the time ).
I just can't imagine for example, on a forum for builders, first posts like 'Hi, for my first building, I'm thinking of making one like the Taj Mahal, only twice as big and impressive. I don't know how to lay bricks. How should I start?'. Or in music composition 'Hi, for my first composition, I'm thinking of making one like Moonlight Sonata, only much more impressive. I can't play the piano. How do I start?'.
Why do we do this?