Hey guys,
I hope this is an appropriate question.
Well, I tried to design a little part of my rendering layer. bgfx oriented.
Question: Is this good design? And what changes would you suggest?
vboID CreateDynamicVertexBuffer(VertexBatch, Duration);
vboID CreateStaticVertexBuffer(VertexBatch, Duration);
void UpdateVertexBuffer(vboID);
void DeleteVertexBuffer(vboID);
- My interface works with IDs that are structs for type safety . An ID maps to something the corresponding method(s) can interpret. It doesn't necessarily map to OpenGL handles etc. A create* method yields a valid ID. If the creation fails an exception is thrown.
- VertexBatch is responsible for capturing the vertex data. It provides convenient OpenGL Intermediate Mode syntax. It has no virtual methods because it needs to be fast.
- Duration is an enum that lets you specify how long the data will remain on the GPU memory. The reason is that I can batch static level geometry together in one big Vertex Buffer and just return the offset into this buffer. Other types of memory can be handled differently, but I don't know how... Question: How do you normally handle this scenario and what is with data that frequently changes?
- Dynamic Vertex Buffer cannot be updated, StaticVertexBuffer can.
- If a vboID is deleted I may or may not destroy the underlying resource. Depends on the type of memory (frequently changing etc.)
If this question somehow doesn't belong here, it's okay
Thank you