55% User Score on Rottentomatoes... vs. 93% critic score. I am thinking on passing on this one after the force awakens really pissed me off, I passed on the surprise that was the good Star Wars movie Rogue One (besides the retcon-complains and some plotholes according to online reviews) because of the huge disappointment that was TFA, and after hearing so much bad about the new SW movie online, I think I will now concentrate on the side-story movies like Rogue One...
Seems like these are the only ones that Disney allows being a cohesive story instead of a hard to follow mish-mash of subplots and sub-sub-plots, and they seem to be more into actually getting into the lore of universe instead of delivering shallow popcorn entertainment and a platform for toy-sales.
Kinda interested in the Solo Spinoff movie, will certainly watch Rogue One on Blueray when that is out, but I don't think I can force myself to sit through another pile of boring subplots served by mary-sue-ish nobodies, cool character ideas badly executed (how incredibly cool would it be to have a big, 2h story about how a Storm Trooper slowly shakes off his brainwashing, and driven by guilt starts acting against his former comrades... but no, no time for that, lets drop all deep characterization to make room for more shallow characters), and old fan favorites brought back just to be killed off in lame fashion one after another.
Really, I HATED episode 1 and 2 with a passion, and episode 3 was only saved by having darth vader in it, as brief as those scenes were. Darth Vader makes everything bearable.... one a more serious note, as soon as things got dark and Anakin wasn't such an annoying brat anymore, the story got almost interesting...
But after having sat through TFA, and reading up on the apparent clusterf*ck the last jedi is to some of the audience, I can finally say this: I still prefer episodes 1-3 to TFA, and maybe even TLJ, if I believe some online reviews.
Episodes 1-3 were bad movies with a great background story.... after all, the political trickery that led to the creation to the empire, and how Anakin turned to the dark side was an interesting and engaging story. Told differently, it would have made for one good movie. Maybe two.
TFA had a non-existant story. A story that was so clearly just rehashing the existing content, so badly written, that the movie was doomed from the start.
Don't get me wrong... great effects. Certainly some of the sequences entertain. But with such a crappy story, even that leaves a bad taste.
Don't know if I could sit through episode 1 and 2 again for the full runtime, but after time clouds the memories of Jar Jar and young anakin, the memory of a very gripping story about how the empire rose to power stays.
When I no longer remember the bad characters and all the events from TFA... I don't think much will stay in my memory. Early online reviews generally promise more of the same fron TLJ, sadly.
I might still watch the last jedi when it runs in TV.... until then, I will concentrate on the Spinoffs. Hope Disney is not also screwing these over. Hope Rogue One was an indication of what is to come, not an outlier.
One thing that I keep pondering since having seen TFA... How would these movies look if the original Ideas from George Lucas for Parts 7-9 would have been used by Disney, and the directors of the movies? Or if at least George would have been more involved in the process as originally promised by Disney?
George has given us the atrocities that were episode 1+2... and he shot from the hip very often, especially when it comes to technology in his universe. But at least he had a will to keep the backstory consistent, and to build up characters and give them room to shine in his movies. I still believe his original ideas were better than the parts 7 and 8 we have been served by Disney until now.