
Help please !!!

Started by December 03, 2017 06:05 PM
10 comments, last by dell96 6 years, 11 months ago

Hi there I'm new to unity and C# and i want to make my first Android game and I'm having a problem when my player collides with the cratepipe in the game the spawning crate wont stop  i need help with this i want to stop the spawning when the  gameobject "player" hits the crates and stop. my player move by tilting 

I'm going to leave all the scripts I'm using so far please help me what should i do....?

The Countdown Script

	using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class CountdownText : MonoBehaviour
public delegate void CountdownFinished();
public static event CountdownFinished OnCountdownFinished;
	Text countdown;
	void OnEnable()
countdown = GetComponent<Text>();
countdown.text = "3";
	IEnumerator Countdown()
int count = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
countdown.text = (count - i).ToString();
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);

Crate Script

	sing UnityEngine;
	public class Crate : MonoBehaviour {
	public bool hit = false;
	void OnTriggerEntre2D(Collider2D collider)
if (collider.tag =="Player")
hit = true;

CrateSpawn Script

	using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
	public class CrateSpawn : MonoBehaviour {
	List<Cratework> cratePool;
int index = -1;
public GameObject cratePrefab;
public float spawnTime = 4f;
public float speed = 35;
public int poolSize = 5;
public bool isRunning = true;
public bool hit = false;
	void Start()
cratePool = new List<Cratework>();
for (int i = 0; i < poolSize; i++)
var crate = (GameObject)Instantiate(cratePrefab, new Vector3(0, 8, 0), Quaternion.identity);
	void Update()
for (int i = 0; i <= poolSize; i++)
var crate = cratePool;
crate.transform.position += new Vector3(0, speed * Time.deltaTime, 0);
if (crate.hit)
hit = true;
	IEnumerator SpawnCrate()
while (isRunning)
index %= poolSize;
	var crate = cratePool[index];
float x = Random.Range(-2, 2);
crate.transform.position = new Vector3(x, -6, 0);
	yield return new WaitForSeconds(spawnTime);

CrateWork Script

	using UnityEngine;
	public class Cratework : MonoBehaviour {
	public Crate left;
public Crate right;
	public bool hit = false;
	void Update ()
if (left.hit || right.hit)
hit = true;

GameController Script

	using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
	public class GameController : MonoBehaviour {
public CrateSpawn crateSpawn;
	void ChangeSpeed(float speed)
crateSpawn.speed = speed;
	void Update()
if (crateSpawn.hit)

GameManager Script

	using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour {
public delegate void GameDelegate();
public static event GameDelegate OnGameStarted;
public static event GameDelegate OnGameOverConfirmed;
	public static GameManager Instance;
	public GameObject startPage;
public GameObject gameOverPage;
public GameObject countdownPage;
public Text scoreText;
	enum PageState
int score = 0;
bool gameover = true;
	public bool GameOver { get { return gameover; } }
	void Awake()
Instance = this;
	void OnEnable()
CountdownText.OnCountdownFinished += OnCountdownFinished;
MoveController.OnPlayerDied += OnPlayerDied;
MoveController.OnPlayerScored += OnPlayerScored;
	void OnDisable()
CountdownText.OnCountdownFinished -= OnCountdownFinished;
MoveController.OnPlayerDied -= OnPlayerDied;
MoveController.OnPlayerScored -= OnPlayerScored;
	void OnCountdownFinished()
score = 0;
gameover = false;
	void OnPlayerDied()
gameover = true;
int savedScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighScore");
if (score > savedScore)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighScore", score);
	void OnPlayerScored()
scoreText.text = score.ToString();
	void SetPageState(PageState state)
switch (state)
case PageState.None:
case PageState.Start:
case PageState.GameOver:
case PageState.Countdown:
	public void ConfirmGameOver()
scoreText.text = "0";
	public void StartGame()

HighScore Script

	using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class HighscoreText : MonoBehaviour
	Text highscore;
	void OnEnable()
highscore = GetComponent<Text>();
highscore.text = ": " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighScore").ToString();

MoveController Script

	using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
	public class MoveController : MonoBehaviour {
	public delegate void PlayerDelegate();
public static event PlayerDelegate OnPlayerDied;
public static event PlayerDelegate OnPlayerScored;
	public float speed = 0.25f;
public Vector3 startPos;
	Rigidbody2D rigidbody;
GameManager game;
	void Start()
rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
game = GameManager.Instance;
	void OnEnable()
GameManager.OnGameStarted += OnGameStarted;
GameManager.OnGameOverConfirmed += OnGameOverConfirmed;
	void OnDisable() 
GameManager.OnGameStarted -= OnGameStarted;
GameManager.OnGameOverConfirmed -= OnGameOverConfirmed;
	void OnGameStarted()
rigidbody.velocity =;
rigidbody.simulated = true;
	void OnGameOverConfirmed()
transform.localPosition = startPos;
	void Update()
transform.Translate(Input.acceleration.x * speed, 0, 0);
	void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
if (col.gameObject.tag == "ScoreZone")
//play a sound 
//get a point
	if (col.gameObject.tag == "DeadZone")
rigidbody.simulated = false;

Your code doesn't compile so I can see it isn't a direct copy/paste. I've got some ideas based on what you posted.

The first thing I notice is that your call to StopAllCoroutines() looks odd and doesn't compile. According to the docs it doesn't take a parameter. Fixing that may help.

You might modify the coroutine to test against the hit value directly, and terminate itself if the value is set. That way it isn't relying on other code to turn it off.

Do your prefab crates also have spawners in them? Do you have multiple objects or unexpected objects with spawners attached? Those might also cause issues.

If those don't address it, use your debugger to drop a breakpoint in CrateSpawn.Update() where you test against a hit.  There may be something wrong there where no crates get the value hit.


Go slow on me lol I'm new to this im starting off with a simple project but i'm stuck i did not understand a word that you told me lol 

all i can tell you is that my crates spawn perfectly but i don't know why they don't stop when i collide with them someone told to do a breakpoint but i don't know what that means or what it is. if you could explain it would help me a lot...     

Okay, stepping back a bit for those.

Debugging in Unity depends a little on if you are using Visual Studio or MonoDevelop.  Visual Studio tutorials are here, MonoDevelop are here.

Breaking down each of the recommendations a little more:

17 hours ago, frob said:

Your code doesn't compile so I can see it isn't a direct copy/paste. ... The first thing I notice is that your call to StopAllCoroutines() looks odd and doesn't compile. According to the docs it doesn't take a parameter. Fixing that may help.

When I copy your code to source files it does not compile.  Your CrateSpawn script was one of those.  I'm not sure if it was just an issue in how you pasted it to the forums, or if your code is not set up properly and it isn't being compiled inside Unity, or something else.  

Since StopAllCoroutines() should stop the SpawnCrate coroutine, that's the first think I'd make sure is compiling correctly. 

Following the tutorials up above on using the debugger, I'd set a breakpoint on that line in CrateSpawn with the StopAllCoroutines just to make sure it is being compiled, and to see if it is actually being hit.

17 hours ago, frob said:

You might modify the coroutine to test against the hit value directly, and terminate itself if the value is set. That way it isn't relying on other code to turn it off.

This suggestion is to not use StopAllCoroutines() at all. Instead, inside your SpawnCrate coroutine, you could add a test like:

  yield break;

That way you aren't depending on the Update() function to terminate the loop as an outside source. Instead you can exit the loop from within the loop code directly, which is usually considered a cleaner implementation.  You can see directly what ends the loop rather than hoping some external code ends the loop.

17 hours ago, frob said:

Do your prefab crates also have spawners in them? Do you have multiple objects or unexpected objects with spawners attached? Those might also cause issues.

Sometimes people will accidentally create more than one instance of things.  Instead of having 1 spawner, you may have accidentally created five or ten or more, but because they overlap you don't realize it.  Shutting off the main one won't shut off all the other ones.

Setting a breakpoint as described in the debugger tutorials above can help identify it.  If there are no more spawners running, the code should not be executed any more. You should be able to set a breakpoint but the debugger will not stop on it because the code is no longer running.

17 hours ago, frob said:

If those don't address it, use your debugger to drop a breakpoint in CrateSpawn.Update() where you test against a hit.  There may be something wrong there where no crates get the value hit.

Setting the breakpoint on Update() using those same methods above should let you see what is happening every time through the Update() loop if the object is active. You could then use the debugger to step through the code one line at a time. You could then look at the value of each variable to ensure the values are what you expect.

For example, maybe you thought hit should be true but really was false. Then you can set breakpoints at every line where hit gets assigned a value, both set to true and set to false. Then you can monitor that it is being set correctly in the first place, or you may discover it is not being set even though you thought it should be.  In the latter case you set a breakpoint right before it should have been set and see if those conditions are true.  Repeat at dividing the problem until you find the code that isn't working as expected.

i left the scripts below so you can see what i have down because i what to finish this project. i got some problems:

1- i want the crates to start spawning after i hit start 

2- i also want when the player collides with the crate the crates will stop spawning and  when i hit the reset the the game will start over.

when i hit play in unity the crates start spawning even if i dont hit the start button if i collide  with the crate it says GAMEOVER but the crates keep on spawning. LOL 

i know that your trying to help and a appreciate that i really do but like i said before i'm new to this. 

take a look at the scripts i know the scripts above got all messed up please and thanks for helping ...










did you get a change to see the scripts 


I'm out traveling and don't have my dev machine available, I was hoping someone else would have chimed in by now.

On a quick reading of the file, I think your crate.cs function  OnTirggerEntre2D() is wrong.  Replace it with OnTriggerEnter2D(), and use a breakpoint to make certain the code is being called.  I also I don't see anything in the code that kills the SpawnCreate() coroutine, but it might have the value set somewhere in some other script.

alright i try that!!, I we be writing to tell you what happens thank you for helping me, hope that your trip goes as planned.


IT WORKED !!!!!!!   thanks omg thank you 


now i have to make it restart when i hit restart 


but thank you 


what should i do to make my crate spawn again when i hit start button got any ideas that may help @frob because now you help me fix my last problem when the player hit my crate stop then my GAMEOVER page loads it has a reset button and that load the start page so i can hit the start button  but then the crates wont spawn open to any ideas....  please and thank you 

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