
Why won't this code work?

Started by January 23, 2000 11:00 PM
18 comments, last by Bigshot 25 years, 1 month ago
Hey. I was just reading about doing a software clipper. I''ll check out your code, but I have a question first. Wouldn''t using software clipping be slower than using DirectDraw''s hardware clipper? However, even if software clipping is slower (i''m not sure), the speed gain of using BltFast might outweigh the disadvantage of slower clipping. I really don''t have that many sprites on the screen so your solution would probably work better... and my game will be helluva fast!

Alexbigshot@austin.rr.comFoolish man give wife grand piano. Wise man give wife upright organ.
Unless you need to do something more complex than a single rectangular clipping region, it's as simple as eight integer comparisons. I almost doubled the frame rate in my iso engine by moving from Blt() to BltFast(). The more sprites I have on screen the bigger the difference.


Edited by - toom on 1/24/00 8:55:25 PM
Thanks a lot for your advice. I''m going to write the software clipper right now, dump the DirectDraw clipper, and use BltFast!!! I couldn''t find your post about software clipping, but i''ll just write it myself. One more question, if you''re still online... do you know how to implement triple buffering and is it worth it? I would have to create another surface, right? How difficult is it to implement?

Alexbigshot@austin.rr.comFoolish man give wife grand piano. Wise man give wife upright organ.
To do triple buffering in DirectX simple set dwBackBufferCount to 2 in the DDSURFACEDESC2 structure that you use when creating the primary surface. I''m not sure that it''d be worth the extra video ram it takes up though.

Here''s my post on manual clipping:

In my game library I have the following structure defined (my most basic Graphic OBject, aka a Sprite):

typedef struct gob{   int width;   int height;   LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 surface;} GOB; 

I also have four global variables called ClipX, ClipY, ClipX2, and ClipY2 which define the clipping region. I set these via another function.

Then I have this routine to blit the GOB onto the back buffer (which is a global variable):

void glBlitGOB( GOB* g, int x, int y ){   RECT src;    // First I eliminate GOBs that are totally outside   // the clipping region.   if( x > ClipX2 )      return;   if( y > ClipY2 )      return;   if( x + g->width < ClipX )      return;   if( y + g->height < ClipY )      return;   // By default I want to blit the entire GOB   src.left = 0; = 0;   src.right = g->width;   src.bottom = g->height;   // But then I adjust the area to be blitted based on   // whether or not parts fall outside the clipping   // region.   if( x + src.right > ClipX2 )      src.right -= x + src.right - ClipX2 - 1;   if( y + src.bottom > ClipY2 )      src.bottom -= y + src.bottom - ClipY2 - 1;   if( x < ClipX )   {      src.left += ClipX - x;      x = ClipX;   }   if( y < ClipY )   { += ClipY - y;      y = ClipY;   }   // Then I blit it.   BackBuffer->BltFast( x, y, g->surface, &src, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY / DDBLTFAST_WAIT );} 

To implement triple buffering all you have to do is to set the dwBackBufferCount to 2, and DirectX handles everything for you. But it will help you only if you''re blitting fast, and having some time idle while waiting for the flip, otherwise it wont help you too much... but triple buffering also costs vram so just use if it''s worthy. Try some benchmarks.

Good Luck,
Nicodemus.----"When everything goes well, something will go wrong." - Murphy
I guess you can write your own clipper code. But what I have read or seen and been told blt fast is only faster in software, not hardware in hardware it''s as fast!
Hardcore Until The End.
Original post by voodoo

I guess you can write your own clipper code. But what I have read or seen and been told blt fast is only faster in software, not hardware in hardware it''s as fast!

Not in my (admittedly limited) experience. I have a Diamond Viper 550 with 16 megs. As far as I know it''s using hardware blitting/clipping. With a few dozen sprites there was no difference, but when I populated my iso map with thousands of tree sprites my frame rate almost doubled by using BltFast() instead of Blt() with no other changes to the code.

It''s easy enough to test for yourself though.

Ok, you probably have already solved this, but the screen is not RECT {0,0,640,480}. Try counting 0 to 640, including 0. You get 641. So have your ScreenRect = {0,0,639,479}. Then you have 640 x 480 pixels and it will work fine. Using a clipper to blit a background pic will just slow your program down a tiny bit.
Yeah, I solved the problem a while ago. Using a RECT with {0,0,640,480} is actually the way to do it I''ve found. It seems that the rectangle numbers are inclusive for the bottom and right values so by setting the values to that the rectangles actually end up being 0,0,639,479... and it blits perfectly using BltFast. If I decrease the right and bottom values to 639 and 479 then the rectangle will only be 0,0,638,478 and a sliver of the screen won''t be rendered. Also, I''m not using Blt at all in my engine now. Everything is done with BltFast instead and for clipping sprites I just use software clipping. Here''s the exact code I used for blitting the background image (which is 1280x480) if anybody wants to know:

// copy background to screen helluva fast
RECT bg_rect = {Screen_Pan_X, 0, Screen_Pan_X + 640, 480};
lpddsback->BltFast(0,0,bg_surface,&bg_rect, DDBLTFAST_NOCOLORKEY / DDBLTFAST_WAIT);

Alexbigshot@austin.rr.comFoolish man give wife grand piano. Wise man give wife upright organ.
To bad bltfast cant mirror images Gotta use blt for that one or your own routine.

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