47 minutes ago, Novadude987 said:
I don't believe that I said that people are pissed paying $60 for a AAA game. I merely said that no game is TRULY perfect and there will always be that group of people who are angry about the flaws. For example, let's use Resident Evil 6. I enjoyed RE6. Liked the story, gameplay, characters, etc. I thought that it was completely worth the $60 I paid for it. However, soon after playing it, many people started going on forums about how terrible the game was, and even stating that Resident Evil is dead. I enjoyed it, and didn't see any problems with it, but there was that group of people that did.
I mean hell, people are still ripping on RE7 for the overhaul of Chris Redfield's face.
Sure, as said, I am not implying that all the outrage is ever justified... nor that it matters that much, most of the time.
I am just saying that for premium games, there is a very simple way to minimize backlash. Which is to go back to a 60$ flat price and deliver a game that can be made on this price point. If that is possible in the current market, if the games that do manage it are outliers, or if constant damage control PR is good or bad are different questions again.
But I feel like I need to touch on one subject in your response: conflating people outraged about some "nerd rage" topic like the guy from DMC no longer having white hair (which made me giggle a little bit, even though I did had to question why the change was needed) with people actually calling out real p2w issues, or exploitative tactics that will trigger gambling addictions in weak people is comparing apples to oranges.
I do think a lot of the people not happy with the latest resident evil games are "nerd raging". Hell, in case of the resident evil games after RE4, I kind of understand it. I didn't play them, BECAUSE they looked more like action games. I don't get exactly the rage about RE7 which does look interesting and for the love of god, gives us a break from the constant Zombies-in-disugise enemies from the earlier titles (as far as I can tell, haven't played it yet)... is the change to FPS perspective really worth "nerd raging" over? IDK...
But this is a completly different subject to people getting outraged about the star cards in BF2. No matter how much EA tones down the system, it reeks of P2W until they take all star cards out of the paid lootboxes. It will even out in the end given a player puts in the hours and gets all of it through normal play... but that just means grinding through a p2w infested expierience as the underdog until you have randomly been given enough stuff to catch up to the whales dominating (given their skills match up) the scene.
I don't think anyone wants to discuss why p2w is bad in a meritocratic system like a first person shooter...
And then the gambling addicts... yeah sure, most people raising the issue probably are not affected themselves. It doesn't make it less of a problem. And its nowhere near on the same level as some people disliking mechanical or graphical changes in their beloved game series.
... probably I have made the same mistake in the thread before, so I have to remind myself too to not place all the outrage in the same category. Some of it can and should be dismissed (unless you fear loosing your fans over)... some of it should be really looked into (because p2w is the community killer no.1 in online gaming, so if a dev wants to keep a game alive, p2w should be kept out of it outside of the mobile market)... some of it should be top priority (because gambling is treated pretty seriously by many countries, and could damage the whole industry if it gets out of hand).
47 minutes ago, Novadude987 said:
Can companies like EA redeem themselves after a fallout like Battlefront 2's microtransactions?
My opinion here: yes, they can. But it will take time. Consumer trust is hard to loose... many consumers tend to give many chances over years, because they have no other choice (if you are a sucker for SW games, EA is the only shop in town that can give you what you want), because of what the publisher or dev has done or was in the past (I remember when Borderlands came out and I was excited what Gearbox would do in the future... now I am less so after all the scandals and mediocre games), because "it was just that single time", "they have learned their lesson", and all that.
But once lost, I would reckon consumer trust is hard to win back. And yeah, I do agree that this will only ever affect a % of the consumers. The informed ones. The ones ready to walk away and play something else.
But the current market is not exactly starved for alternatives. If anything, some upstart AAA devs and publishers will profit from it (until they become the big company doing the same thing as all the others).
Funny enough, after a lot of people were fairly disappointed with BF1, EA has launched one hell of a PR campaign to win customer trust back, and from what I have seen online and in vids, it did its job. And sure enough, it wasn't all faked BS, instead EA and Dice DID listen and delivered the content lacking in the first part from the get go. They did move away from the season pass scheme... they just didn't mention how they would monetize it else.
I reckon IF EA doesn't get the SW license pulled by Disney over its continued mishandling of the license (because no matter how you see the individual games as good or bad, every SW game EA has put out to date was either controversial, or just not that successfull), IF the next SW game takes ALL the critisism onboard, without new controversies, I think at least the SW fans among the players will forgive EA. Its SW after all... and the BF games, apart from being a little shallow contentwise or mechanical maybe, don't seem to be bad games. The graphics of BF1 made SW drool all over the planet.
But I guess this will not happen. I am unsure if Disney really will leave EA messing with their license now that EA messed up just in front of a big SW movie. If they do, I am sceptical if EA will ever do the right thing. Because it would mean baking smaller cookies for once, and EA isn't known for that lately.
If they manage to pull it off, call me amazed and happy at the same time. It is SW after all. And no matter what George Lucas' episode 1+2, and the Disney atrocity which was "the force awakens" have done to the legacy... I loved the original trilogy, I loved Darth Vaders origin story, and I would love to play a good story campaign in a game I want to support financially, with the beatiful graphics Dice has crafted.
I am not going to hold my breath though....
On the other hand, as @Scouting Ninja puts it, no matter how much I might think EA has to redeem themselves, the question is if this controversy can even do enough damage to EA to make them change their way even an inch.
I guess it will all come down to what Disney does over all this, and not really how consumers act... because there are always enough that buy games and not care about the controversy, or not even aware that much of the p2w elements....