Before I carry on. I just want to say how I over came this issue .
Like people suggested it was regarding the constructor. So like this that part of the code is now working. It's just being my last hurdle now.
I will download VS13 and give that a shot. Thanks for this suggestion. I totally agree with what you say to that if this goes well I can then become familiar with it all then later I can move onto using VS15 for DirectX when I have built up my confidence more from learning it.
PS - it's a bit annoying to really as I was able to remove this error in one version of me trying to get the example to work. It has appeared again though this error and now I'm not sure how to remove it. I will start downloading VS13 also now.
Edit - Finding it hard to download VS13. Where I should be able to get it, this page won't let me download it. Where I scroll down to the download I need something to load and it just isn't loading. It's like they aren't fussed with older content being viewed by anyone now.
Edit 2- I can download the express version I think, I was trying to download the community version. I'll try the express version and see how it goes.... I think getting VS13 is going to be a struggle too. I've tried doing this and I'm just getting webpages thrown at me saying error and to get in touch with Microsoft. I had this pop up on my screen when I tried downloading VS13 express "We are sorry, but our system is detecting a problem with your account and we are unable to validate access to your subscription". Such a pain in the backside to get anything done :l . I just tried going on live chat with support but they only open Mon-Fri :(.
I'll see if I can download VS13 still otherwise I'll have to try and get it working using VS15 that I am currently using.
I've emailed the support team also now to see why I can't download VS13. Hopefully they show me a fix for this.