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Now he has all the excuses wants.

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3 comments, last by ChaosEngine 6 years, 8 months ago

Now Donald Trump has all the excuse to pursue with increased vigour his xenophobic ideas, his immigration bill  waning, having failed 3 times through congress. I watched with some concerns as he made statements about tightening the borders more, shutting down lottery diversity program and chain immigration. New York type of brutal attack  has been prevalent here in Europe where the borders border are more porous and immigration programs are generally much more lenient 

So he cannot easily see that minus 9/11, over 90% of US mass killings are carried out by US citizens, without religious motivation but other deep psychological problems. For the purpose of this thread I will use the word 'fringes'  for both home grown non-faith based killings and foreign-faith based terrorism

Of course this is "manna from heaven" to his fan base, but is he right? Is that the solution? Isn't there more intelligent, quicker and more effective solutions?

Firstly i will briefly indulge in a bit of distraction:- when I made this thread a while ago  I have been centre-left, now I am going right wing....  .....         

( wow!, someone has been working really hard... at downvoting me in that thread, well feel free to downvote this one also :) ). 

... anyway... admittedly the linked thread has been a knee-jerk reaction from me, because the intensity of the European attacks has been ferocious. I have soon realised that taking such a seismic shift in mindset is tough mainly because - right wing mindset comes with its own bagadge most  of which outright annoys me. And even if i filter out some narrow ideologies, maintaining such mind-set was always going to be a herculean task for me, so I have gladly bowed out of such mindset and thinking of better ways 

Back to topic.  Some idea I have thinking might work: How about setting up public-government-anger forums, for deeply troubled people ... where there will be a deal that no one can be arrested on anything they say on the forum. Even if they talk about doing terrible things, as long as they keep the communication going and don't carry out their intentions. This will allow people on the fringes to freely express their deep-sitted anger and grudges against the west/governments. So at least a communication and dialogue can get started with some good people on the other side. And who knows a fraction may come to their senses through psychologically assessing them.  ATM the one sided anger forums that exist (if they exist at all) are either heavily spied on and raided by the feds or hidden in the dark web, set up by disgruntles themselves, to fuel the fire of anger rather than to create a dialogue to quench it.   Except if I've been leaving in a cave all this while and such sites/forums exist already.

On the other hand it might be the dumbest and a too simplistic idea since the worst of the troubled and angered people may still feel its a bait or trap .... so feel free to call it bullshit   (no sarcasm, I genuinely mean it, if you feel its BS, and kindly state why) 


can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

1 hour ago, grumpyOldDude said:

How about setting up public-government-anger forums, for deeply troubled people

Yeah, it's called.... the internet. :D

The solution to terrorism is the same as it's always been, hold your nose, sit down and talk to the people who carry out unspeakable acts, then find out WHY they did it, what they want and work out a compromise. 

"We don't negotiate with terrorists" is a necessary fiction, but that's all it is... a fiction. In the real world, unless you are willing to commit genocide, you will never "defeat" terrorism. 

Hell, even as odious as the white power nazi assholes are, you ultimately don't defeat them with violence, but with conversation. 


if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight
8 hours ago, ChaosEngine said:

The solution to terrorism is the same as it's always been, hold your nose, sit down and talk to the people who carry out unspeakable acts, then find out WHY they did it, what they want and work out a compromise. 

I agree with you, but I also think that it's unfortunately not a solution that can be applied universally.

There are always going to be crazy people, and sometimes you don't have the time to converse with them before they do the unspeakable, like the Vegas shooter. He wouldn't announce himself he's going to shoot. He wouldn't be holding a protest in front of some city hall about whatever he disagreed with. He's just gone plain crazy for whatever personal reason he thought of himself. Speaking of which, we don't even know what happened to that investigation.

Then there's another different kind of crazy, the ideological crazies, like the radical Muslims and the KKK, and so forth. An organized crazies, if you prefer to see them that way. While they don't necessarily commit violence all the time, they have a certain stance when it comes to socio-economic/politics/religions, and their job is to convince as many gullible people as possible to do the dirty deeds for them. Unfortunately, the Internet, and social media in particular, has made their job a lot easier to reach a wider audience. With some photographs, carefully crafted memes, you can spread your ideas far and wide.

For local organized terrorist groups, like the KKK, you can definitely work out a compromise with them. They are citizens of the country too, and have the same rights as you do. I don't agree with what they do or what they have to say, but I also don't agree with censoring them like many of the left trying to do. A lot of their members become members because they are convinced that they have been taken advantaged of or neglected by the government/society/the left/the establishment/the institutions/whatever. Conversations need to happen, not censorship, and definitely not violence like what the antifas are doing.

Then there is the international terrorist groups like the ISIS. This is a whole different beast, and where I agree more with the harder, right-wing approach to them by limiting immigration and putting a watch over anyone who's been in contact with them. ISIS members do not have the same constitutional rights as you do because they live in a different country with different laws. They enact their own laws. Your country's constitutional laws stop at the border. This is what some people from the right-wing have been frustrated about the left-wing approach that the left tends to treat them like fellow citizens, all under the umbrella of "human rights".

This is why it's sooo easy to convince any young frustrated white males in the Midwest to join the KKK because all the KKK has to say "They care more about the non-American Muslims more than you. Take America back. Make America Great Again." Done and Done.

Yet, instead of convincing them back, "hey, you are fellow Americans, let's defeat ISIS together", the left is telling them to fuck off.


10 hours ago, grumpyOldDude said:

Some idea I have thinking might work: How about setting up public-government-anger forums, for deeply troubled people ... where there will be a deal that no one can be arrested on anything they say on the forum. Even if they talk about doing terrible things, as long as they keep the communication going and don't carry out their intentions.

Well, this is basically the Internet. Reddit, 4chan, 8chan are full of these.

15 hours ago, alnite said:

There are always going to be crazy people, and sometimes you don't have the time to converse with them before they do the unspeakable, like the Vegas shooter.

Agreed, but that's not terrorism as such. Terrorism has a political aim. That guy didn't appear to have a specific agenda. The way to deal with him is another discussion (involving not defunding mental health and also gun control, but that would derail this thread).


15 hours ago, alnite said:

Then there is the international terrorist groups like the ISIS. This is a whole different beast, and where I agree more with the harder, right-wing approach to them by limiting immigration and putting a watch over anyone who's been in contact with them. ISIS members do not have the same constitutional rights as you do because they live in a different country with different laws. They enact their own laws. Your country's constitutional laws stop at the border. This is what some people from the right-wing have been frustrated about the left-wing approach that the left tends to treat them like fellow citizens, all under the umbrella of "human rights".

Well, the "right wing" approach plays right into their hands. "Hey guys, look how America treats Muslims". The solution to terrorism is not to abandon your principles. 

Fundamentally though, you can't defeat them with force. As I said, before unless you're willing to commit genocide (see the Romans in Gaul), every violent act you take just breeds more support. That's not to say that you shouldn't take steps to defend yourself, or even go after those who have wronged you, but ultimately, you HAVE to talk to them. Ireland is a good example of this working and Israel is a GREAT example of how to mess it up. 

Or you can follow the Sri Lankan example and unilaterally exterminate everyone who opposes you. 

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

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