3 minutes ago, matt77hias said:
So in that case the sRGB->linear is done by the hardware
If you use one of the blah_SRGB texture formats, then yeah, the hardware will to sRGB->Linear when you read from them, and also do Linear->sRGB when you write to them.
So if you've got sRGB texture maps on your objects, and are copying them into an sRGB GBuffer, the hardware will do [SourceTexture]-sRGB->Linear-[Pixel shader]-Linear->sRGB-[GBuffer]... This seems wasteful, but there's transistors in the HW dedicated to the tasks, so I don't think it's actually that harmful.
3 minutes ago, matt77hias said:
the coefficient needs to be manually converted. Is the latter normally done on the CPU or shader code?
I'm not sure what coefficient you mean?
Any per-material parameters that you're going to put into a cbuffer, but are source from an artist's colour picker -- yeah, you can do sRGB->Linear conversion on the CPU before you place the value into the cbuffer.
4 minutes ago, matt77hias said:
One thing I do not understand about gamma correction is the portability? If someone uses an old mac with gamma=1.8, how is someone else with a gamma=2.2 able to see what is intended?
So, the source data you control. You buy all of your artists an sRGB monitor and use a colour calibrator to ensure that they're all fairly well calibrated. Then you know that your source data is sRGB. Internally you store sRGB data in your GBuffer, because there's magic HW support for it, and your source data is sRGB (so storing linear data in your GBuffer would either be lossy, or require a 16bit channel format...).
For final output (the swap chain), you can create this as a *_SRGB texture and get automatic conversion from linear->sRGB when writing to it... but yeah, this assumes that the user actually has an sRGB / gamma 2.2 monitor.
If you want to give your users a "gamma" slider, which allows them to see the image as you intended, even though they've got a silly gamma 1.8 or gamma 2.4 monitor, then you've got to do a bit of work
Instead of making the swapchain with an *_SRGB, make a non-SRGB swap chain. This disables the automatic linear->sRGB conversion when writing data into it. Instead, in all of your shaders that directly write into the swap-chain, implement gamma encoding yourself in the shader code -- e.g. return pow( result, rcp_outputGamma )