
2D RPG Development (Sword of Mana)

Started by October 10, 2017 10:48 AM
12 comments, last by Patapo 7 years, 4 months ago

I'll just repeat myself. And make a small change since we're talking about map editors.

On 10/10/2017 at 8:02 AM, Alpha_ProgDes said:

For a place to start or a better idea of how to start, please read this link -

Since your goal is to recreate a game, may I suggest Gamemaker 2. Easy to get into and get something up quickly.


Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


As a relative Noob to game development I'd say you need to know what you want in the long run. If you're planning on exclusively making 2D RPGS, you best bet is to use something like game maker, if you're planning on making any  3D Games in the future,  I'd suggest using unity. the 2D tools aren't half bad and the newest update added a tile map editor. The point is you don't want to have to learn to use a new engine when you want to make a 3D game. 

As for programming It doesn't really matter what the first language you learn is. The concepts are all the same but the syntax can be much different, I'd say C#/java are a good place to start. But whatever you do make sure to practice what you learn or it's a waste of time.  

When i't comes to art practice is the difference between the pros and the amateurs. The bets thing to do in my limited experience is to learn the basics and them practice, practice, practice. 

I think you got the music thing covered. 


Regardless, remember learning all this will take a lot of time and effort and in the end your first project will most likely be 70 shades of garbage but the next one might only be 60 shades of garbage, and it only gets better from there :) .


Have fun learning, hope this helps.




I've decided to pursue C#/Unity because eventually (a LONG way down the road) if I am able, I would like to dabble in 3D. I found a book or two on amazon for it as well and from what I've researched (and been told here) is that it is one of the easiest languages to learn - as well, it is a good stepping stone if I ever want to pursue learning other languages.

Thanks again everybody for all the advice - I was expecting a lot less than I received!


Forever a noob.

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