Hello gamedev.net, I am brand new here. I am not the best at articulating myself or at formatting forum posts so sorry ahead, but I want to try and make my first post count so I'll jump right in.
I love the time that we live in - I love that pixelated graphics have been so prominent in gaming these past years. I like to think that a lot of people developing 2D games these days have the same mentality as me, which is 2D graphics are beautiful (I've heard people call 2D development "lazy" which is possibly true for some, but I like my positive viewpoint). Sword of Mana for example, despite it's age and 2D graphics is a wonderful, whimsical, beauty. It has a fun hack and slash style of combat, addictive crafting (mob grinding for loot/seeds) and a creative housing system for the time. I've replayed this game many times throughout the years. Each time I play it I'm at a different level of maturity in my life (more or less lol). As I've aged my perspective has changed due to life and it's struggles, so the game means something different to me each time I play it.
To get to the point of why I created this account - I want to learn how to make a top-down, 2D, RPG that plays like Sword of Mana. I have no illusions that it will be easy and I'm hoping for some solid advice from the experienced users on this forum to get me pointed in the right direction. I have no skills with game programming, minimal music ability (I have three practice tunes on soundcloud if you want to check them out - bottom of post), and no skill with pixel art, but am willing to learn. So if you have any advice whatsoever I'm all ears!