QuoteThere is an additional restriction for Tier 1 hardware that applies to all heaps, and to Tier 2 hardware that applies to CBV and UAV heaps, that all descriptor heap entries covered by descriptor tables in the root signature must be populated with descriptors by the time the shader executes, even if the shader (perhaps due to branching) does not need the descriptor. There is no such restriction for Tier 3 hardware. One mitigation for this restriction is the diligent use of Null descriptors.
(from: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn899109(v=vs.85).aspx#Null_descriptors)
Does this mean that, I need to declare root signatures with all the slots even if I don't use them, or does it mean that every entry in the root signature must be populated?
Sorry if I it is too obvious but I've read things related to this from different sources and I'm a bit confused :S.