thanks that's massively helpful I'll take that on board as I move forward.
so these are my first games to build (to do list)
how does it look?
- text-based adventure
- Pong = Simple: input, physics, collision detection, sound; scoring
- Worm = Placement of random powerups, handling of screen boundaries, worm data structure
- Breakout = Lessons of pong, powerups, maps (brick arrangements)
- Missile Command = targeting; simple enemy ai, movement, and sound
- Space Invaders = simple movement for player and enemy, very similar to breakout with the exception that the enemy constantly moves downward, simple sound
- Asteroids = asteroids (enemies) and player can move in all directions, asteroids appear and move randomly, simple sound
- Tetris = block design, clearing the lines, scoring, simple animation
- Pac Man = simple animation, input, collision detection, maps (level design), ai
- Astro Warrior = top down view, enemy ai, powerups, scoring, collision detection, maps (level design), input, sound, boss ai
- Pit Pot
- Pro Wrestling (NES/Sega master system)
- Joust
- Gauntlet
- Dig Dug
- Rampage
- Gain Ground
- Ghostbusters (Sega Master System)
- Land of Illusion: starring Mickey Mouse = lessons of Astro Warrior (except with side-view instead of top-down view), acceleration, jumping, platforms
- Psycho Fox
- Alfred Chicken
- Kula World/Roll Away
- Marble Madness
- Streets of Rage
- Syphon Filter
- Skitchin
- Puzzle Pirates
- Mortal Kombat 1
- close combat 1
- Hell's Kitchen DS
- an original game
So I'm sitting down to do my first day of writing my text-based adventure and I draw a blank. This is what I've written:
"1. welcome the player
2. input from the player (last name)
3. return the value of first letter of last name and “Viggo.” "
The game is called Viggo and his Quest. I want the player to be Viggo and I'm thematically basing it on the pub scene in Fellowship of the Ring which reminds me of a classic D&D adventure scenario. You go to a tavern and meet a shadowy figure who sends you on a quest. I want to make use of resource trading and combat. But I don't want it to be a really long game I just want to have a finished text adventure which I can share and which teaches me how to code a small game.
"As you will find out, there is a stage before it, namely deciding how it will actually work, at a lower level of detail. What objects play a role there, and what properties do they need for the functionality (eg a shop needs a set of things you can buy, each of these things needs a price. The adventurer must have money (trade-in with other items). So you must have a way to give money or items, and get items (and probably money too, eventually). Items must have an owner (well, at least one, maybe more owners?)"
- this is what I need to think about.
so what's your process when you're writing a design doc for a concept that you haven't really developed and then writing pseudocode. Or do I need to write the adventure before I write the game? Just trying to get past the 'fear of the blank page" - which could be a game in itself.
Update: 10 mins later:
4. “You are sitting in the tavern nursing your whiskey, when three hobbits sit down at your table and try to start a conversation with you. What do you do?”
5. input “kill the hobbitses”, “tell them to shut up, then introduce yourself”, “walk away”
Update: another 10mins later:
so this is what I have so far:
1. define methods: battle, shop, quest
2. welcome the player
3. input from the player (last name)
4. return the value of first letter of last name and “Viggo”
5. “You are sitting in the tavern nursing your whiskey, when three hobbits sit down at your table and try to start a conversation with you. What do you do?”
6. input “kill the hobbitses”, “tell them to shut up, then introduce yourself”, “walk away”
7. if kill the hobbitses go to battle method
8. battle method:
a. define attribute/resource variables
b. define player and npc characters
now it starts getting complicated...