
Coding my first game.

Started by September 16, 2017 08:08 PM
3 comments, last by Shaarigan 7 years, 5 months ago

So uh, I need help making a game (I have no coding experience).  Actually my one of my biggest problems is the engine. Now I am on a tight budget, specifically $0.00. So I need

An Engine That

  • is free
  • is beginner friendly
  • supports 2D
  • can import pictures and gifs( or spritesheets)
  • if i want to sell my game won't make me pay them

So these are my requirements. I don't even know if I need an engine for a 2D game, but I have difficulty coding. Thanks to ANYone who helps.  


Unity seems a good one, although you will have to pay for it if you earn more than 100k USD in a year (which I dont really think that will happen).


Stencyl has a free version, is 2d, super beginner friendly and don't require you coding (you visually place "pieces of code" like a puzzle), but I have no idea about their stand regarding your point "if i want to sell my game won't make me pay them", check on their site and see their policy

Still, is free and easy to use so give it a try

Since I dislike the idea of people making a business without at least one of the core knowledge from that business; Stencil as mentioned above seems as a good choice and there license points explicitely royality freeness out

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