var THREE = require("three");
function printMatrix(m)
console.log(m.elements[0], m.elements[4], m.elements[8], m.elements[12]);
console.log(m.elements[1], m.elements[5], m.elements[9], m.elements[13]);
console.log(m.elements[2], m.elements[6], m.elements[10], m.elements[14]);
console.log(m.elements[3], m.elements[7], m.elements[11], m.elements[15]);
//Create matrix from degrees of freedom
function getMatrix(rvec, tvec)
var M_r = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationFromEuler(rvec);
var M_t = new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(tvec.x, tvec.y, tvec.z);
var r = M_t.multiply(M_r)
return r;
//Find directions given a matrix
function getDirections(worldpoints, matrix)
var directions = []
for(var i = 0; i < worldpoints.length; i++)
var d = worldpoints.clone();
var l = Math.sqrt(d.x*d.x+d.y*d.y+d.z*d.z);
if(l > 0.0)
d.w = 0.0;
return directions;
//Compare similarity between directions
function error(d0, d1)
var error = 0.0;
for(var i = 0; i < d0.length; i++)
var angle_rad = Math.acos(d0.x * d1.x + d0.y * d1.y + d0.z * d1.z);
var e = angle_rad*angle_rad;
error += e;
return error;
function clamp(i, m)
if(i > m)return m;
if(i < -m)return -m;
return i;
var rvec_o = new THREE.Euler( -Math.PI/8, 0.0, 0.0, 'XYZ' );
var tvec_o = new THREE.Vector3(0.0, -3.0, -40.0);
var rvec = new THREE.Euler( 0, 0, 0, 'XYZ' );
var tvec = new THREE.Vector3(0.0,0.0,-100.0);
//Create 4 directions
var world_positions = [];
var field_length = 105.0;
var field_width = 105.0;
world_positions.push(new THREE.Vector4(-field_length/2,0.0,-field_width/2,1.0));
world_positions.push(new THREE.Vector4(-field_length/2,0.0,field_width/2,1.0));
world_positions.push(new THREE.Vector4(0.0,0.0,field_width/2,1.0));
world_positions.push(new THREE.Vector4(field_length/2,0.0,field_width/2,1.0));
world_positions.push(new THREE.Vector4(field_length/2,0.0,-field_width/2,1.0));
var dirs_o = getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(rvec_o, tvec_o));
//one mm at a time, how many degrees
var N = 100000
var step = 100.00;
lasterror = 99999999.0
var mx;
var before = new Date().getTime();
for(var i = 0; i < N; i++)
var e = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(rvec, tvec)));
var r_x_0 = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(new THREE.Euler(rvec.x - step, rvec.y, rvec.z, 'XYZ'), tvec)));
var r_x_1 = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(new THREE.Euler(rvec.x + step, rvec.y, rvec.z, 'XYZ'), tvec)));
var r_y_0 = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(new THREE.Euler(rvec.x, rvec.y - step, rvec.z, 'XYZ'), tvec)));
var r_y_1 = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(new THREE.Euler(rvec.x, rvec.y + step, rvec.z, 'XYZ'), tvec)));
var r_z_0 = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(new THREE.Euler(rvec.x, rvec.y, rvec.z - step, 'XYZ'), tvec)));
var r_z_1 = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(new THREE.Euler(rvec.x, rvec.y, rvec.z + step, 'XYZ'), tvec)));
var t_x_0 = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(rvec, new THREE.Vector3(tvec.x-step, tvec.y, tvec.z))));
var t_x_1 = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(rvec, new THREE.Vector3(tvec.x+step, tvec.y, tvec.z))));
var t_y_0 = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(rvec, new THREE.Vector3(tvec.x, tvec.y-step, tvec.z))));
var t_y_1 = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(rvec, new THREE.Vector3(tvec.x, tvec.y+step, tvec.z))));
var t_z_0 = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(rvec, new THREE.Vector3(tvec.x, tvec.y, tvec.z-step))));
var t_z_1 = error(dirs_o, getDirections(world_positions, getMatrix(rvec, new THREE.Vector3(tvec.x, tvec.y, tvec.z+step))));
var d_r_x = (r_x_1-r_x_0)/(step*2);
var d_r_y = (r_y_1-r_y_0)/(step*2);
var d_r_z = (r_z_1-r_z_0)/(step*2);
var d_t_x = 10.0*(t_x_1-t_x_0)/(step*2);
var d_t_y = 10.0*(t_y_1-t_y_0)/(step*2);
var d_t_z = 10.0*(t_z_1-t_z_0)/(step*2);
if(i % Math.floor(N/10) == 0)
console.log("e:",e," r:",rvec.x-rvec_o.x,",", rvec.y-rvec_o.y,",", rvec.z-rvec_o.z," t",tvec.x-tvec_o.x,",",tvec.y-tvec_o.y,",",tvec.z-tvec_o.z);
//If worse than last
if(lasterror < e)
step *= 0.5;
rvec.x -= d_r_x*step;
rvec.y -= d_r_y*step;
rvec.z -= d_r_z*step;
tvec.x -= d_t_x*step;
tvec.y -= d_t_y*step;
tvec.z -= d_t_z*step;
//Keep rotation in range -PI to PI
while(rvec.x < Math.PI) rvec.x+=2*Math.PI;
while(rvec.y < Math.PI) rvec.y+=2*Math.PI;
while(rvec.z < Math.PI) rvec.z+=2*Math.PI;
while(rvec.x >= Math.PI) rvec.x-=2*Math.PI;
while(rvec.y >= Math.PI) rvec.y-=2*Math.PI;
while(rvec.z >= Math.PI) rvec.z-=2*Math.PI;
step *= 1.0001;
lasterror = e;
console.log("Time: ", new Date().getTime() - before);
console.log("r:",rvec.x,",", rvec.y,",", rvec.z," t",tvec.x,",",tvec.y,",",tvec.z);