I might have some Time problems, I was wondering if someone good at timing could take a look :\
Below is my entire Game Loop plus some debug console output:
void App::GameLoop()
while (Game->IsRunning())
/*DEBUG*/static Uint64 Frame = 0;
/*DEBUG*/std::cout << "FRAME: " << Frame << std::endl;
/*DEBUG*/LogConsole((Timer->PrintTimeSinceLasUpdate() + Timer->PrintTimeSinceLastDraw()).c_str());
while (Timer->CurrentTime() > Timer->NextUpdateTime)
/*DEBUG*/std::cout << "INTERPOLATION VALUE:" << Timer->DrawTick() << std::endl << std::endl;
UpdateTick() computes and return DeltaTime, while DrawTick() computes and return a float Interpolation ranging from 0 to 1 (I have commented it out from inside the Draw() function so that I can cout the value in the line below).
I'll also put the code of my entire Timer class at the end of page (inside spoiler since is long), in case needed to answer.
In the image below you can see what the code prints out, on the left side it the App running without SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC, in the right side SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC is enabled.
From my understanding "Interpolation" which is passed to the Draw() function to draw a prediction of the next game-state should range from 0 to 1, but as you can see by comparing FRAME 9 I think the Vsync is kind of holding things up so it outputs value slightly beyond 1...Is this acceptable? How should I handle this? Should I ignore it or should I cap the Interpolation value to 1 ? 

#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
using namespace std::chrono;
//This type sets Ticks per second of the update call
template <size_t N>
using UpdateTickDuration = duration<uint32_t, std::ratio<1, N>>;
using FloatSeconds = duration<float>;
template<size_t N>
class GameTimer
UpdateTickDuration<N> GameUpdateTPS;
milliseconds MsSinceLastDraw;
milliseconds MsSinceLastUpdate;
time_point<steady_clock> TimeNow;
time_point<steady_clock> TimeBegin;
time_point<steady_clock> PrevUpdateTime;
time_point<steady_clock> PrevDrawTime;
time_point<steady_clock> NextUpdateTime;
time_point<steady_clock> CurrentTime();
float UpdateTick();
float DrawTick();
std::string PrintTimeSinceLasUpdate();
std::string PrintTimeSinceLastDraw();
float Interpolation();
float RecordTimeSinceLastUpdate();
float RecordTimeSinceLastDraw();
template <size_t N>
:GameUpdateTPS{ 1 }, MsSinceLastDraw{ 0 }, MsSinceLastUpdate{ 0 }
TimeBegin = TimeNow = PrevDrawTime = PrevUpdateTime = NextUpdateTime = steady_clock::now();
template <size_t N>
template <size_t N>
time_point<steady_clock> GameTimer<N>::CurrentTime()
TimeNow = steady_clock::now();
return TimeNow;
template <size_t N>
float GameTimer<N>::UpdateTick()
NextUpdateTime += GameUpdateTPS;
return RecordTimeSinceLastUpdate();//this is basically returning DeltaTime
template <size_t N>
float GameTimer<N>::RecordTimeSinceLastUpdate()
MsSinceLastUpdate = duration_cast<milliseconds>(CurrentTime() - PrevUpdateTime);
PrevUpdateTime = CurrentTime();
return duration_cast<FloatSeconds>(MsSinceLastUpdate).count();
template <size_t N>
float GameTimer<N>::DrawTick()
RecordTimeSinceLastDraw();//this is recorded to calculate FPS
return Interpolation();
template <size_t N>
float GameTimer<N>::RecordTimeSinceLastDraw()
MsSinceLastDraw = duration_cast<milliseconds>(CurrentTime() - PrevDrawTime);
PrevDrawTime = CurrentTime();
return duration_cast<FloatSeconds>(MsSinceLastDraw).count();
template <size_t N>
float GameTimer<N>::Interpolation()
nanoseconds TimeOffset_ns = CurrentTime() + GameUpdateTPS - NextUpdateTime;
nanoseconds GameUpdateTPS_ns = duration_cast<nanoseconds>(GameUpdateTPS);
/*DEBUG*/std::cout << "NANOSECONDS TimeOffset_ns:" << TimeOffset_ns.count() << " / " << std::endl;
/*DEBUG*/std::cout << "NANOSECONDS GameUpdateTPS_ns:" << GameUpdateTPS_ns.count() << " = " << std::endl;
return (static_cast<float>(TimeOffset_ns.count()) / static_cast<float>(GameUpdateTPS_ns.count()));
template <size_t N>
std::string GameTimer<N>::PrintTimeSinceLasUpdate()
return "| LastUpdate: " + std::to_string(duration_cast<milliseconds>(steady_clock::now() - PrevUpdateTime).count()) + "ms ago|";
template <size_t N>
std::string GameTimer<N>::PrintTimeSinceLastDraw()
return "| LastFrame: " + std::to_string(duration_cast<milliseconds>(steady_clock::now() - PrevDrawTime).count()) + "ms ago|";