I've typed this up several times, and I think this is as good as it's going to get.
For a long time, I've understood programming concepts, but I am unable to write programs that I want. My favorite language is C++, and think I have a pretty good grasp on it. Variables, data types, classes, etc... I know them well, and could explain what they do and how they work. My problem is, when it comes time to actually write functioning code, I just can't fgure out what to do. I don't know if this is a lack of code architecture knowledge, or just sucking at logic skills.
To make things worse, I look at examples of other people's work and become even more confused as to why they did it this way, used that data type or even become genuinely frustrated that I can't read their code(I know it's not always immediately obvious what some code is supposed to be doing, but it gets to me anyways). I stare at other's accomplished works and wonder what it is I'm missing to the point that I throw my hands up and walk away.
I would like to preface the end of this thread by saying that I've completed hundreds of programming challenges, ranging from beginner to advanced. Why I can complete them in a relatively quick time, but struggle for days to write code that'll keep a window open in some graphics library, I don't know. It's been a problem for a long time, and I'm tired of getting stuck in this cycle of Inspiration->Frustration->Quit.
Edit: To sum this up as a TL;DR: Why is it I can write several classes, flesh them out with their working code, but not put all of those things in working order to produce the main loop?