Hello, i'm currently implementing http://roar11.com/2015/07/screen-space-glossy-reflections/.
But i don't know how to calc viewRay.
here is my solution much different from example, it works but look bad at edge of screen.
float3 viewRay = normalize(VSPositionFromDepth(input.tex.xy, depth, sslr_invProjMatrix));
float3 rayOriginVS = viewRay * LinearDepth(depth);
* Since position is reconstructed in view space, just normalize it to get the
* vector from the eye to the position and then reflect that around the normal to
* get the ray direction to trace.
float3 toPositionVS = normalize(worldPosition.xyz - camPosition.xyz);
float3 rayDirectionVS = normalize(reflect(toPositionVS, normalVS));
rayDirectionVS = mul(float4(rayDirectionVS, 0), sslr_viewMatrix);
// output rDotV to the alpha channel for use in determining how much to fade the ray
float rDotV = dot(rayDirectionVS, rayOriginVS);
is there a better way to do this? I'm googling for few days but can't find any working solution.