

Started by November 30, 2001 02:41 PM
3 comments, last by Woodyb23 22 years, 10 months ago
I am a beginner looking to code in Linux. I was wondering if I should start with the Beginners forum here(written in Windows) or if there is a Linux tutorial that I could get from somewhere else.
I don''t see exactly what you''re asking, but I''ll try to answer it anyway. C and C++ are basically the same in any OS. Finding a tutorial aimed at using GCC should be easy, since many universities use GCC and therefore aim their online course material at it. Basic use of GCC (just incase you don''t know):
gcc -o output input.c

Makefiles are another thing you''ll have to figure out someday, but not to begin with. For graphics, SDL basically is the DirectDraw (and most of DirectX) for Linux. OpenGL is the 3D graphics library you''ll probably want to use someday. Using (and learning about) the POSIX functions is pretty easy with the internet and man pages.

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
You should definetly learn how to create Makefiles, so that you can better manage your projects.
Is Linux a good platform to start with or should I use Windows as a beginner?
ANSI C and C++ are the same on all platforms, so any OS will do. However, I''m not sure MacOS pre-X ''s C library will convert Mac pathes (: to Posix pathes (/).

Other than that, Linux is the programmer''s paradise. You''ll just get all the programming tools you can dream of for free (and with the source).

So unless you *want* to spend big bucks on an IDE like MSVC (and its compiler isn''t nearly as capable as GCC''s), you''ll probably want to stick to Linux. *Some* of the tools available on Linux have been ported to Windows : GCC (mingw32), emacs (also known as NTEmacs), etc. But they still don''t give you all the power of Linux.

Have fun anyway.

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