
Facebook spam

Started by July 10, 2017 08:09 AM
4 comments, last by d000hg 7 years, 7 months ago

Recently my Facebook feed is frequently getting deluged in posts from To the extent it's virtually all I see... Right now I've got about 10 posts almost in a row about some 2d game engine, a whole bunch of job ads, and a couple of others.

Can someone manage this better... Trickle a couple of posts per day perhaps... Because right now is at a level more like span that makes we need to stop following, which I don't want to do!

There will be some tweaks over the next week to both Facebook and Twitter, adjusting what is included in updates as well as the timings.

There probably won't be less updates over all, but we'll be trying to spread them better throughout the day, and trying to ensure a more even mix of different content and trying to avoid showing some of the poor quality stuff that has occasionally got through.

Give us at least the week and see if our experiments improve things. :)


Thanks for the report! :)

- Jason Astle-Adams


No problem. I'm happy to see the odd job post - clearly if you have several you somehow have to decide which to spotlight - and game engine/tool advert, alongside forum highlights and journals/member announcements. But I swear on my phone I saw 5 Corona Labs posts in a row this morning... the first one was quite interesting but I don't need 5 posts about different aspects of it all at once ;)


Still working on this, but there should already be some improvement in the mix of post types, and some basic filtering to cut out some of the lower quality stuff that was getting through.

Ultimately we're aiming to reduce the automated feeds down to a trickle in favour of properly curated quality content, but that transition will likely take some time. :)

- Jason Astle-Adams

I suppose if you have someone updating their blog (journal) every day then it's naturally going to get picked up by your automated system since presumably you don't have many blog posts every day. I did wonder about whether it's permitted to use your blog as a pure advertising platform as at least one company is doing, maybe limiting each blog to only getting 'syndicated' once a week at most?

I have noticed some improvement although Facebook is a bit of a law unto itself... what it chooses to show me might not match what you're posting 1:1 in terms of which posts, when I see them, etc. 

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