
Youtube for developer, any tip ?

Started by May 05, 2017 08:12 AM
15 comments, last by noisechip 7 years, 4 months ago
Hello. I recently started to make videos related to my game development process to upload them to youtube.

Any of you do the same ?

Have any tip to get good results in terms of views ?

I just get my first 1000 views mostly in one month.

Is good or are bad numbers ?

Thanks. Hope also find some cool channels from you guys.

Tip #1: Don't expect any views. Just keep making good content.


Yeah, realistically dont aim for views, aim to make your videos achieve a goal, such as being informative, or giving an insight into your thoughts during development. Things like that will eventually draw in views naturally. Also look back at your videos from time to time and see how you think you could improve, do you feel the video clearly achieves the aim

Though not sure how popular development channels get, only youtube channel ive ever done was playing games not making :P

Thanks for the comments, really appreciated.

I think now i'll be able to continue on a proper way.

Thanks !

How good is the audio quality? Investing some time and money into making sure you have good, clean, easy to listen to audio is a BIG aid in drawing views.

- Do you enjoy listening to someone drone on and on about something, taking ages to get to their point and including loads of irrelevant info all while you get to listen to a rattling fan and annoying line noise?

If you want to draw views, then time to edit and re-record as needed is worth it.

Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.
I'll check the audio.

Thanks for the comment !

If you make good content, the people will come...eventually. Make each video better and you'll be well on your way to success.


  • Watch as many other channels in your field as possible. Use them for ideas or even for collaboration opportunities.
  • Learn a bit of Youtube SEO.
  • Make your videos as interactive as possible. Give people a reason to comment.
  • Call to actions may feel spammy but they work. Tell your audience to subscribe and like your videos.
Thanks, a lot of info !

About "called to actions", wich way is the better to do it ?

Thanks again.

About "called to actions", wich way is the better to do it ?

Usually what I see is, at the end of a video, the person quickly says something along the lines of "If you liked the video, remember to hit the like button below or follow me on <whatever site>." Always at the very end of the video.
Yes, i think is the most common way.

Thanks !

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