
Can't install SDL

Started by November 28, 2001 09:38 AM
2 comments, last by Zredna 22 years, 10 months ago
When I try to install SDL (and I can not install the delevop version without it) my computer tells my there is a conflict between another file: (translated from danish) >rpm -i SDL-1.2.3-1.i686.rpm The file /usr/lib/ from the SDL-1.2.3-1 installation creates a conflict with a file from the package libSDL1.2-1.2.2-1mdk The documentation on the SDL site seems very poor, and I can not find anything about this error. Does anyone know what to do? Thanks Zredna (ps I am a linux newbie...)
Err... you already have SDL1.2 If you want 1.3, try uninstalling 1.2 first.
quote: Original post by Zredna
When I try to install SDL (and I can not install the delevop
version without it) my computer tells my there is a conflict
between another file:
(translated from danish)
>rpm -i SDL-1.2.3-1.i686.rpm
The file /usr/lib/ from the SDL-1.2.3-1
installation creates a conflict with a file from the package
The documentation on the SDL site seems very poor, and I can not
find anything about this error. Does anyone know what to do?

Ok, what''s going on is you already have a slightly older version
of SDL installed on the system. You can get the development
package off of the Mandrake install CD, or you can try the
rpm -U SDL-1.2.3-1.i686.rpm

Which will try to use an "upgrade" process to change the files
If that doesn''t work:

rpm -U --force SDL-1.2.3-1.i686.rpm

will do the same thing in a more heavy-handed fashion and will
definitely get it on there.
I usually prefer to just pull down the source for everything,
and do the ./configure, make, make install dance.
I was writting this post while pwd was posting his and his answer solved my problems.

Thanks pwd. It works now!

Edited by - Zredna on November 28, 2001 11:11:49 AM

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