Hello Guys,
I am looking for game idea for my final year project. I have moderate experience in unity game engine and in c# language.
The gaming idea I am looking for must be new...
Thank you
Hello Guys,
I am looking for game idea for my final year project. I have moderate experience in unity game engine and in c# language.
The gaming idea I am looking for must be new...
Thank you
If you only have moderate experience with Unity and C# (and not mastery I assume), I would recommend going for a 2D platformer/dungeon-crawler. Whatever you do, avoid going for something too grandiose like a real-time or turn-based strategy. Those can turn into an absolute shitstorm real fast if you don't know EXACTLY what you need from the start.
I am looking for game idea for my final year project.
The gaming idea I am looking for must be new...
-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com