
Need Laptop For Game Programing school

Started by March 25, 2017 07:09 PM
6 comments, last by yaustar 7 years, 11 months ago


I will start school this summer but i need laptop cause my desktop would be huge for the move.

So do u have any advice or some recommendation for find one ?

Thx and sorry for my english its not my first langage :)

Likely the school has a selection made already. It is by far the least amount of hassle if you follow their advice, so check that first.

Usually you also get support for your laptop, and pre-installed software that you need in class.


Maybe LaptopScribes will help you out. I believe they are laptops recommended by users from 4Chan's technology board. Best of luck.

what u think about this one

Well, it has a pretty good core to it so should run visual studio / your coding app of choice fine, also shouldnt have issues running any of the programs you develop.

8GB of RAM isnt HUGE but is fairly standard now I would say so should be fine for running what you need to code

The GTX 960M is a fairly new card so again in terms of uni work / programming should easily run anything that you would be making unless you really do go into insanely detailed graphical work etc

The only one issue I have is that its running a 256GB SSD, which while thats all good, the SSD is great.. gotta take a chunk of that off for the OS and then another chunk of that off for Visual Studio (15 - 60GB install depending on your chosen extras). Will grant other programs can be smaller but yeh, if thats the only drive in it that just seems kinda small (for me) as a couple of games + a heavy deployment of VS would basically eat like 60 - 70% of the hard drive (including OS).

I mean a light install would run a lot less, so it depends on what youre going to be installing on the laptop... basically ending my ramble :D the only issue I have with it is the SSD size just seems kinda small .. but maybe I just fill hard drives with crap

idk if i can install a hdd after but i got a 1tb external hard drive run with 3.0 usb might be enough


Thinking down memory lane, I remember when a 40 MB drive was so huge it had to be split into multiple partitions. When 80 MB drives came out it was an even harder choice of how to break it into three or four blocks, and what to put on each.

You're a student. If you use your laptop for student things the 256 GB SSD drive should work great. If you use the drive to attempt to download your entire Steam collection and for multiple massive games like Titanfall, you're going to run out of space pretty quick.

I would consider going for one of the Dell 7000 series with the Kaby Lake and Nvidia 1050 over the Acer you have linked above. The 1050 GFX card is considerably more powerful then the 960M. (about 40% according to Userbenchmark).

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