C++ help
Hi guys. I really want to learn how to create games. I have a basic understanding of C++ and have tried to find good high quality tutorials online but there are so many it's difficult to break through the noise as well as they all have different programming styles. If anyone knows of good paid or free tutorials. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hi @Code_Black,
If you want some fun / more code based working for 3D stuff using DirectX a fair good book in my opinion is "Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12" by Frank Luna. Back when I was in uni I read / worked through the DX9 version, Also do own the DX12 version but havnt had time to read though.
Good for like an intro to how direct x works and getting some basic stuff running without like the use of pre-built game engines etc
I highly recommend the Handmade Hero series (https://hero.handmade.network/episodes). You'll learn a lot about the underlying stuff that the engines, you may use, do. There is a lot of material and he explains it in depth and from someone who has made game professionally.
SFML is really quite straightforward. If you find yourself getting lost in it then you're most likely encountering generic gamedev patterns that you're not familiar with. If you get stuck on something specific you can ask a question here on the forum, or if you're stuck on something general you may have better luck in the chat.
There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
You can also give a look to "thin matrix", on you tube. He codes in Java though.
Hi, for a 2D game, you can use sinf & cosf, multiply that by the distance, add this to your player coordinates,
now you have your rotated gun position,
You should learn about matrices, a matrix contains position and rotation, in DX9 there are functions to change & rotate stuff.
S T O P C R I M E !
Visual Pro 2005 C++ DX9 Cubase VST 3.70 Working on : LevelContainer class & LevelEditor