Hello All,
I just thought to throw out this idea that I had a few years back. Half-Life inspired me by in-game storytelling. It occurred to me that one could do the storytelling without the game being the focus at all.
1. Incredibly realistic world based down to the detail on Auschwitz concentration camp.
a. The player is a child in Auschwitz. He has a first person perspective being by the side of his father, living happily, then getting frustrated in the ghetto, then being taken away to the camp. etc.
The reason I'm interested is because the first person perspective with in-game storytelling has the potential to give that human feeling; That human connection that i feel like this person is a real person (the NPC)
So it could be used to tell morally important historical tales in an extremely heartcutting manner.
2. Likewise realistic world based down to the detail on the current troubles in say..Somalia.
b. The player is some innocent or morally neutral character. By experiencing the events in-game, the player gets a perspective she/he never would have otherwise, and understands much better the situation over there.
etc. etc.