
University Final Project Advice

Started by March 18, 2017 12:31 PM
1 comment, last by Tom Sloper 7 years, 11 months ago


lurker from a while, but this is my first topic, so I hope to be in the right forum section.

I am currently a MSc student in Computer Science and I am now facing the decision on what to do for my final project (I am supposed to work for roughly 3 months). I would like, once done with this degree, to work in the game industry, but unfortunately this is a recent passion of mine and I don't know this world really well yet.

Anyway, in this last few months I have started working on Computer Graphics, programming with DirectX 12 and I managed to built a simple graphic engine capable of rendering geometric shapes and move around in the 3D world with a dynamic camera. As I said, this is a recent passion and I had pretty much no knowledge of graphics.

Now, I was offered by one of my lecturer to work on procedural generated environments or even AI in games (so no cutting edge research), while I was offered by another lecturer to work with VR (since I am fascinated by it), but this last project relates more than slightly with Computer Vision: it has to do with creating models in the virtual world that can then be tested in the real world, a sort of simulator (more cutting edge research). My aim would be to work in software houses which create games, to work as a programmer there. However, I would also like to build graphics software that allow to create games or films or art in general; basically the field of research and development of new technologies.

I am worried that the first project could lead me more easily to work as a game programmer, but distance myself from working on pure graphics software. I feel the second project could have the opposite effect instead. To be honest, I would like to keep all the possibilities open.
What do you think?

Thank you and sorry for asking for advice about such a personal problem.

What do you think?

I think I've never met a hiring manager who even checks what the topic of you master's thesis is ("Masters degree: check. OK, short list them they can follow through on commitments."). Choose the one that interests you most because you're a person, not a future career.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer


I am worried that the first project could lead me more easily to work as a game programmer, but distance myself from working on pure graphics software. I feel the second project could have the opposite effect instead. To be honest, I would like to keep all the possibilities open. What do you think?

You should make a decision grid and weight the pros and cons to arrive at your own
decision. How to make a decision grid:

-- Tom Sloper --

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