I am trying to generate an ore deposit centred approximately on a specific location with an approximate size and ore values (in the central area of the deposit).
The game is a 2D tile game and id be looking for the deposits to be roughly areas from 20x20 up to 50x50. Each ore tile has its own quantity (say up to 5000, or some patch specific "quality") for more variation and smoother transitions, but I want most of the falloff from around the fields peak to 0 to be around the edge.
void generateOrePatch(World world, int x, int y, int size, int quantity) { ? }
The problem I am having is how to effectively generate these ore tiles without some obvious geometric shape.
For example I tried multiplying some noise (e.g. Simplex) with a linear weight from the edge to the centre of my desired deposit. But of course the result is that while I get some variation within the deposit, the circle itself is obvious.
Ideally id like to generate with a lot of variety things like this one I did manually.