
How do I start?

Started by November 26, 2001 07:07 PM
10 comments, last by superdood13 22 years, 9 months ago
what is SDL?
http://www.dualforcesolutions.comProfessional website designs and development, customized business systems, etc.,
quote: Original post by borisnico My first game ever made was a text-mode tetris, and it was good for learning purposes. Then when it was finished i re-wrote it using glut/opengl. My next step will be writing it in SDL.
Lucky. ;p
1984: Home: screen characters printed, peeked, and poked with basic on the parents Commodore 64.
1992: High School: *body shiver* two words: MAC LAB (Don''t even get me started)
1994: College: some colored dots moving on a black screen on a 386
2001: MSVC++6pro, Win98, and DX8. How SWEET it is...

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