
Possible game idea...

Started by November 26, 2001 02:29 PM
6 comments, last by dtome 23 years, 3 months ago
I would like to know what people think about the following idea. An RPG(non-MMORPG)/RTS game like BG/DiabloII/StarCraft/etc. that provides a way for the game to be expanded on a monthly basis, but at a cheaper, say $5 a month rate. So the main game would be shipped with some type of game world and a set of adventures, scenerios or over all story plot. But then every month you could purchase a new adventure or scenerio for the game. These new "expansion" would use the same world(maybe add on if possible). So it would allow for a sort of MMORPG patch/update concept but for non-MMORPG games. You would be able to add new spells/a quest for a special item/new army vehicles/etc. And also develop ongoing plot lines or even add additional plots/story lines without needing to make a new game every 6 months. Let me know if you know of something like this already, or if you like this idea or not. --Tome Games are dreams of reality!
Games are dreams of reality!
I had this same idea about one year ago, then a Japanese Dreamcast game series by Capcom came out called RPG called Eldorado Gate. It was a monthly RPG game that had new characters and adventures. So its already been done. I hope Squaresoft or some other company pick up on this idea. Its a great idea. Also with a hard drive in Xbox and a expanded hard drive for PS2 I think this idea could really work now. Internet Videogame Database



Games are dreams of reality!
Games are dreams of reality!
It is a pretty cool idea, though. You should be happy to know you came up with an idea that was worthy of Sega publishing! lol.

(Since noone seems to look at the article proposal forums..)
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"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you..."~Friedrich Nietzsche
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
Sega worthy...... hmmmmmm

Not sure how to take that.. 8^)


Games are dreams of reality!
Games are dreams of reality!
Phantasy Star Online...also on the Dreamcast (a trend?) is very simular too...but online play is only $5 a month (must by in 3 month increments though...and you can play it through your own internet don''t need Seganet or any special provider like that)...and as far as I can tell additional new quests (missions) are free to download...heck for as little as $50 you can buy a new Dreamcast or just a used one and a copy of Phantasy Star Online (get Version 2 when/if you do...and no, you don''t have to play online at all)....Jeesh, I''m starting to sound like a commercial for Sega
Heh, My friends and I are making a fantasy RPG/RTS game similar to that idea. But instead of usuing disks internet might be better...but a bit harder. Anyway it''s an awesome idea...good luck on it.
Lol. Starcraft: episode 43. Video game meets sitcom.
Hmm... aren''t we talking about "Expansion Packs?", only cut up into cheaper/smaller/more often increments? More missions, new units, whathaveyou. (In the case of RA2''s "Yuri''s Revenge", more cutscene movies) If so... *how* many expansions will people want to go out and get, for the "low monthly fee", or will they have to "subscribe" from the start? And, if there are going to be ongoing "plot changes", will that necessitate the buying of every installment, in sequence, and will the player then HAVE to play the game, up to the end of the latest update, to enjoy the plot twists in the next? Carefull... there''s a lot of *MEN* playing video games, and we''re infamous for being afraid of commitment.

If the purpose of the expansion is to keep the game "new" for the players, another way to achieve this is the inclusion of editors for the game- as many companies have done in the past. The game community would create the content for you, it would be infinately creative, though there would be the downside that you wouldn''t see the $$$ you would if you created monthly expansions yourself.

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