

Started by January 20, 2017 10:19 PM
21 comments, last by phil67rpg 7 years, 8 months ago

that's cool I didn't know that, right now I am brushing up on my A+ certification knowledge

well I am taking a online pc repair and networking class, is it ok if I want to do programming just for fun.


is it ok if I want to do programming just for fun.

Of course it's OK :)

is it ok if I want to do programming just for fun.

Of course it's OK :)

I have found that programming in my spare time, with the mindset that I don't care about what anyone but myself thinks about the project or my code, to be a highly liberating experience. That said, I can still be a pretty harsh critic on myself and for whatever reason I haven't let myself skip ahead past some boring stuff to work on something I'd rather be doing.

Good luck wherever your career takes you.

is it ok if I want to do programming just for fun.

That's why I do it. I run restaurants and bars as a profession, not program.

I still like to learn new things, especially as it relates to computer stuff


well programming is a lot less stressful since I am doing it for fun, thanks for all encouragement.

well programming is a lot less stressful since I am doing it for fun, thanks for all encouragement.

Glad to hear it. One thing you'll find straight away is that you'll obviously have less time to program. This can make larger project a daunting task, often to the point where people often give up due to never feeling like they've completed anything. Something you might want to try other than focusing on a complete game is setting yourself smaller goals by deconstructing the game and focusing on individual parts. Maybe write just an animation class first, or a collision detection system. By working on smaller tasks that you can complete within a reasonable timeframe, not only do you build up a good library of code that can be used for a game, but you get the added confidence of completing a project, which really helps when you want to tackle something bigger.

thanks, I am still working on my breakout game, I am also working on the collision detection system.

I am still working on my stubbed out code for collision detection, this sure takes a lot of time and effort.

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