I get the feel that green light will have broken that now as there is a tsunami of crap on steam now, most indie.
That's not relevant. It doesn't hurt anyone for those extra games to be on there because they're rarely making it to the front page at all.
Also, this makes the fallacious assumption that 'my' work is losing out due to 'other' people's crap; but obviously every developer thinks their work is deserving and the other stuff is not. So now we get a pattern where someone release ssomething that everyone else thinks is crap, but complain that other people's crap is what stopped it selling.
Formerly, only good stuff was on there, so it sold pretty well. Those developers did well because their games were good; not because of the absence of bad games on there.
I think it's not that there is lots of bad stuff, it's that there are lots of good and average games on there. It used to be really easy to get noticed. Make it to steam with a decent game, and you could expect sales. Now, that just doesn't cut it, one needs to make it to steam with a good game, preferably with an obviously unique hook, and loads of press to get noticed.