Please don't. People have taken the time to write well thought out responses, and although it's unlikely future readers finding the topic will have your exact situation the advise IS actually on point for the title and may be of benefit to others.I will be deleting this thread later (to give time for people to see why) as it will be quite a frustrating search result for someone who is actually interested in what the topic title suggests :)
I am not completely against leaving it here if you think it will really be useful but the advice is mainly geared towards don't hire friends, hiring friends is bad, what you're offering won't help anyone - which I completely understand and even agree with but it is VERY situational advice and at no point is the crux of the topic (ie, what on average when putting a team together who have, rightly or wrongly, agreed to work for royalties is the normal amount to expect to pay for part time PR services) which could be very frustrating. In my case I wanted to know so I had a guide line in my head and other people may wish to know for any number of reasons and I'm not sure this is an entirely useful thread to anyone except maybe me.