
Advice for a Game Idea

Started by January 03, 2017 10:06 AM
20 comments, last by Brain 8 years, 1 month ago

So, I've notice alot of the comments are telling you what you can't do, instead of what you CAN do. First off if you want to make anything more than the simplest of games, you will need a team. There is no getting around that, fortunately you are at the right place. Head over to the classified section > then to hobby projects to join up with people who are like-minded. Besides that, the first thing you should do is figure out what part of game design, interest you most: Programming?, Art?, Sound?, level design?. For the most part game design can be broken into those 4 categories, pick ONE and start learning it. It could take a lifetime to master any of them. After you've decided that, then come back here and ask specific questions about that field, and you will find much more helpful answers. good luck.

I really appreciate the comments. Perhaps my youth and naïveté are clouding my judgement, but honestly wasn't landing on the moon considered impossible? Even flying, or driving a hyper car at 200+ was impossible just a short time ago. I won't know if this idea is possible or not until I try it and find out.
I intend to not just learn, but master any aspect of game development I can and if I can't, then I'll find someone who has mastered it.
I've had this passion for too long to be discouraged by the word "impossible".
I'm sure I can figure out how to do what I need to do without a multi-million dollar budget. Even if that means slowly iterating on one part of the game at a time over the years until it's finished (which I fully planned to do) with help from others along the way.
Costs aside, what resources (books, other great sites like this one, and others) would put me on a path to being a master game designer. I know experience is really what's needed, but I figured I'll start with actually learning the skills first. What got you all started?

Considering that it costs somewhere in the range of 50-500 million to put a satellite in orbit and it cost about 270 million to make gta v, a usual AAA budget is similar to that of a small space program.

Think small, and build on the shoulders of giants as others have said here.

Go into my journals here and look at the links to my earliest released pc games from 1998 and my current projects and compare. This is several decades of experience.

Good luck though because you can get there with patience and determination. It's just that "there" isn't no man's sky or similar. :)

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