
Handmade Hero after two years

Started by December 21, 2016 06:52 AM
28 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 8 months ago
Hi there,

What do you think about handmade hero after doing two years of programming with casey?
Write down what you liked or not liked. What have you learned? Did you skipped some episodes?

For me this series was a blast. Seriously even with my 20+ years of programming experience i learned so much from it - its insane.
I programmed in C++ before, but used new and delete all over the place, instanced tons of classes and of course used RAII all the time.
Now i am trying to nail down my problems in the simplest possible way without forcing myself to use any programming patterns and think much more about memory and performance.

Handmade hero changed the way i code today!

- I use only OOP when i am forced to, for example in a C#/.NET/MVVM Environment (At work)
- Seeing more and more evil in the modern programming languages (They give a shit about Performance, force you to use certrain structures or patterns, like for example MVVM)
- Totally dropped java and the all the web stuff (I never want to touch this again if possible)
- Starting to move completely to C/C++

Whats your oppinion?

For ppl which still havent watched handmade hero:

Handmade hero changed the way i code today!
- I use only OOP when i am forced to, for example in a C#/.NET/MVVM Environment (At work)
- Seeing more and more evil in the modern programming languages (They give a shit about Performance, force you to use certrain structures or patterns, like for example MVVM)
- Totally dropped java and the all the web stuff (I never want to touch this again if possible)
- Starting to move completely to C/C++

Whats your oppinion?

I've not been following the series, but my opinion is basically the opposite of the above.

  • I'm happy with OOP, and find that much criticism of it comes from people who still don't really understand it - and MVVM is a very good way to represent UIs;
  • I'm looking forward to newer languages and the way they improve upon past attempts;
  • web stuff is a mess but it is the best way to reach a lot of people;
  • Sticking with C/C++ seems like too high a cost to pay when similar results can be achieved without it.

But then I've always fundamentally disagreed with some of Casey Muratori's ideas, such as his 'immediate mode GUI' which I consider an abomination.

It's great that you've gained some insights and learned to think critically about programming through this series - but I think it's also important to understand that programmers are often very opinionated and that even if they have a good argument why "XYZ is Bad", it doesn't mean nobody else has an equally good argument that "XYZ is Good".


I see 2 extremes ranges of c++ programmers.

Theres the ones who use it as a handy assembly language, they care about memory usage, the bare bones and the low level control c++ provide.

And theres the ones who use it as any other high level language: always use whatever STL provides, use the known programming pattern designs, OO fanatics, go around foruns buthurt if someone ask a performance question and say optimization is evil.

I cant really watch the handmade hero videos, its too long, too out of focus. When I see a subject Im interested in I try to watch it, but at the time it gets there Im already totally distracted. Id prefer blog posts... I mean, how do you even go back to remind yourself of something? Its hard to find stuff. I was trying to find the vid he talks about compiling times some time ago, lost 15min searching for it, didnt find anything.

I've been following the series since start, and I've got mixed feeling about it.(I'm skipping episodes that didn't seem interesting to me(there were a lot of them)).

Certainly he covered a lot of interesting topics(software rasterization, floating point printing), but I did not learn much.
I highly agree with him, that writing different algorithms yourself and understanding how everything works is a great way to learn and expand you knowledge and experience.

At work I write and read in ~10-20years old codebase(I do CG software, not games) that is a million times more readable than HandmadeHero's code, his code is just hard to follow.
I wonder how he ACTUALLY writes code(he claims that "HandmadeHero" is how he does it, but I still do not believe it).

Overall I'm happy to see someone else's perspective of the world and learn how they do their job.

Id prefer blog posts... I mean, how do you even go back to remind yourself of something? Its hard to find stuff. I was trying to find the vid he talks about compiling times some time ago, lost 15min searching for it, didnt find anything.

There is a good episode guide on the website with a lot of details and comments.

I wonder how he ACTUALLY writes code(he claims that "HandmadeHero" is how he does it, but I still do not believe it).

I thought the point of the series was that he was writing an game in an "old school" manner. I don't think he ever suggested that he writes production code like that.

OOP is like branching code and cache rape at the same time. But I can see some good stuff... sometimes... stuff like scalability.

I didn't find out about handmade hero until well after the series had started. It sounded interesting but it was too hard to catch up on with the limited spare time I have.

The videos range in length from an hour to 2.5 hours in length and I found I had to frequently pause and rewind to make sure I caught what he was saying/writing/coding which easily added another 30 minutes or so to the watching time. I just don't have much time to spare with work and family commitments so even finding 2 or 3 hours a day is a significant time investment. Then considering the overall pacing being very slow and even trying to skip episodes often caused problems because there would be some assumed information or code from a previous episode that was relied on in later episodes. I think I got around 20 episodes in and he started completely changing and rewriting code he had already done and it was just not a worthwhile use of time for me.

There is some good stuff in what I saw and I think there are some nice lessons on how to write low level code and avoiding using libraries for every thing. I just wish some of the concepts were presented in an easier to access format. Someone mentioned there is an episode guide but as I already pointed out he is writing entire core low level code to handle everything and if you jump ahead in episodes you find he is calling all these custom functions and it just becomes too hard to follow.

I'm not going to touch the whole OOP debate. There is some good information in these tutorials but I am not sure how many people can spend 3-4 hours a day for 2-3 years or however long he drags this out for.

I didn't find out about handmade hero until well after the series had started. It sounded interesting but it was too hard to catch up on with the limited spare time I have.

The videos range in length from an hour to 2.5 hours in length and I found I had to frequently pause and rewind to make sure I caught what he was saying/writing/coding which easily added another 30 minutes or so to the watching time. I just don't have much time to spare with work and family commitments so even finding 2 or 3 hours a day is a significant time investment. Then considering the overall pacing being very slow and even trying to skip episodes often caused problems because there would be some assumed information or code from a previous episode that was relied on in later episodes. I think I got around 20 episodes in and he started completely changing and rewriting code he had already done and it was just not a worthwhile use of time for me.

There is some good stuff in what I saw and I think there are some nice lessons on how to write low level code and avoiding using libraries for every thing. I just wish some of the concepts were presented in an easier to access format. Someone mentioned there is an episode guide but as I already pointed out he is writing entire core low level code to handle everything and if you jump ahead in episodes you find he is calling all these custom functions and it just becomes too hard to follow.

I'm not going to touch the whole OOP debate. There is some good information in these tutorials but I am not sure how many people can spend 3-4 hours a day for 2-3 years or however long he drags this out for.

Same situation i am right now, have two kids and almost no time for myself. Managing my free time is not an easy task, but i could somehow managed to watch ~200 episodes of handmade hero in the last two years. The only thing i skipped over was the Q/A. There are evenings when the kids are asleep, the wife are out or you are sick lying in bed having nothing todo - waiting to recover.

But i agree, a handmade hero like project compressed down to the actual techniques would definitily help a lot.

Never looked at it. Might try out some episodes to see what it is about.

Gahhh 350+ episodes.

@spinningcubes | Blog: | Gamedev notes: GameDev Pensieve | Spinningcubes on Youtube

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