I realized it needs an arching story to be interesting, so what at first were exploration tools (like the lake) may become plot points, but still hold meaning beyond that. At the moment (because it keeps changing) you'll survive to develop the story at any given pace. Along the way you unlock privileges from quests, like a goblin chief clearing tough enemies of value for you, then death would revert any progress gained this way, or something like that. Just a thought. There's also this idea I had about him being spirit-bound to an object you're sheltering if destroyed reverts him back to human again, so the chief would not recognize or follow you, as one example. But that's kinda wacky and maybe pointless. Anyway about death, I can't say for sure until I figure more out, and idk what roguelite is actually :unsure:
Increasing winter deadliness sounds good, should definitely tie that in with mid-late game at least.You're probably right on that, It should have some fast travel and as much content as I can throw in. I've been thinking about the whole backtracking thing, and as much it needs engaging stuff I need reasons to shift focus to them individually in ways the player isn't face-planting their screen in boredom. Basically finding interactions to make them feel they won something or that something cool/unique is happening, that's the toughie though if you get my late-night rambling.
Access points also sounds good, got some stuff to think up for that one. I had a decayed bridge in mind that needed fixing for the story, but recurring repair could be a thing too like you said, and more than one 'round them parts.
One other thing, I really think games like this need at least some types of 'human' factor. Npc's should be deep and quirky, and especially not always stagnant but participant in different ways. It's like adding another dimension to it, unless I birth some pretty unappealing Jar-Jar's. It should be fine though.. I think.
Lastly, if I end up on the art-side of things, it will probably look something like this below. Sketched up a few oddities, which are suppose to be trees and the char. Clearly have no artistic gifts, which sucks, so I might have to hire some people if I even can. Otherwise I'm stuck with this in hopes someone talented will touch it up with a color revamp.